Friday, May 27, 2011

dbsk crazy person rant

dbsk today right now!
Yes i'm in America and JYJ were in LA HOURS ago performing... i suck for not being able to go! TT^TT
i'm sorry my boys!  i always want to support you but fail!  i failed you!  i'm sorry!!! :'(

On a different note, i wrote sooo much to my friend and she must be sooo annoyed by now about how much i write to her about my dbsk sooo i decided just to write it all out here! get it all out of my system so she doesnt have to suffer so much!  starting off my 1st post with what i wrote to her:

ok complete and utter randomeness!
yesterday junsu went 2 disneyland! isnt he the cutest?! i swear he is sooo.... idk so himself i love him! XD
and yesterday yoochun was flown back to korea to win 2 more awards for that 1 drama he was in so like he has 5 awards for his 1st drama now? gosh! and he looked soo fresh on that red carpet! not like he just was on tour and flew halfway across the world a few hours ago or nething! he was FRESH! like he had some great long vacation! made me feel soo happy! and he mentioned jyj in his 2nd speech omg im glad he did cause i can imagine jaejoong seething with dissappointment if he didnt lol
then jae... of course went drinking with Shane Yoon the comedian/actor and socializing and all that important stuff instead of playing with junsu and disneyland... shane yoons cool so i think he watched over jae okay... uugh jae shouldnt go drinking so much gaww its driving me insane!
and then TOP and Yoochun were at the award together of course! TOP Yoochun Jaejoong and Kim Hyunjoong are drinking buddies lol
ppl say they are the real life f4 haha XD
theeen jyj had their concert today in LA :P:P uugh i wish i coulve gooone!
junsu tweeted in english! omg his tweet! so cute! cant stand it! XD some1 tweeted to his english tweet something like "wow your english is good!" and he tweeted back something like "my english is awesome yo" lol XD
oh yeah the rumor XD
when JYJ were in vancouver and Yunho and BOA were in toronto its said that JYJ had a 15 minute phone call to toronto! XD
aah! i know its just a rumor just a rumor! but goosh XD
and yeah junsu was ranked as 1 of the celebrities that know alot of ppl and its true but made me lol bcause junsu knows alot less ppl then jaejoong and jaejoong wasnt even put in the rankings!
Yoochun got up there in a ranking for best actor not using idol status or something :):) of course so proud of him and jaejoong is always in the top ratings for hottest guy lol but srsly TOP was #1 so i think that ranking person sucks
Im sry top isnt hot no matter how i look at him! i just dont see the 'hot' appeal
hes just 2 dandy and sweet! when he raps u get the feeling but thats it! the whole rest of the time hes so stiff and awkward and i KNOW he has a stomach! thats y he never has his shirt off! hes a shy sweet guy that i CANNOT see as hot no matter HOW tight his leather jackets are!
i love top tho dont get me wrong i just wish he would just stop trying to be so cool? then i would think he was cooler
thats how i feel about shinees minho 2! if he just STOPPED trying to look cool then i would think he was cool but i HATE when they purposely act cool... it gets on my nerves alot  especially knowing these 2 are rly sweet and cute and modest guys :P:P
aah ranting now
lets keep ranting then! i wonder if u would want to read all of this?
ummm oh yunho and changmins new song is out its good it rly is
buuuut rly i dont feel dbsk in it.  it rly makes me sad.  it sounds all generic and computerized and like....NOT a dbsk song.  like yunhos said they enjoy singing songs only they dbsk can pull off and its rly a pride for dbsk and for cassiopeia.
buut uummm
i feel like ANY OTHER SM GROUP could pull off this new song and it rly makes me sad.  like the feeling of "dang only he could sing that that way! it gives you chilles everytime you hear it!" its dissappearing i dont feel it with the song!
im so them and in myself for feeling like they dont live up to expectations....
im so saaaaaaad ugh
and yunhos drama was canceled... :'(
yunho iceskating was pretty cool....pretty cool
and changminnie idk he looks strong and suuper skinny
god eat somthing! is all i think when i c him! and god
what annoys me the most is how hes always with shinee minho and suju kyunhyun now...and how yunhos a loner
I rly just have to say!  changmin was never THAT close with them and i feel like minho and kyuhyun are just there to show how strong 'smfamily' is and show off a bond that SM wants them to show off
like when Kyuhyun called changmin. Kyu said that kyu was in trouble and that changmin needed to save him right? and changmin was like at some commercial or something but said he would be there right away
that is SUUUCH BS!
SM wouldnt let changmin leave no way in freakin hell. 
When yunho wanted to go home to visit his dad on his birthday JUST so he could give his dad his present face to face after so many years he COULDNT. 
When jaejoongs friend committed suicide jaejoong couldnt go to his funeral because he was in america and they wouldnt let him leave! 
so god knows how changmin could have POSSIBLY have left to go save kyu.  Its just a bunch of BS SM made up!!
oh and another thing! when yunho got his 'poison accident' at that 1 show and yunho was being driven away by an ambulance they didnt let the rest of the members leave with him they made them stay and finish the god forsaken interview without yunho! so again how changmin could have POSSIBLY left to go help kyuhyun is a HUGE mystery to me! god!
and i hate how minho and changmin are only friends in PUBLIC they never hang out OUTSIDE of planned events.  or hardly ever did B4 dbsk broke up.  i know about them calling eachother and what not! dur of course they rly are friends they call each other and share stuff with each other!  but they rly dont have nething in commen except that they're tall and look a little bit like foreigners, i feel like they're put together for that look and public appeal. 
im not saying their friendship is FAKE all im saying is that they SEEM closer than they probably ARE. 
heres some examples of TRUE friendship!  kim hyunjoong housed jaejoong for a YEAR after the lawsuit and it didnt EVER go public at that time! only after jae moved out and another year passed did they finally admit 2 the rumor of hyunjoong helping jae out.  hyunjoong didnt do it for publicity and thats what rly makes their relationship legit! 
im not saying minho and changmins relationship ISNT legit tho! it just doesnt FEEL legit because of the SM influence that pushes them to be seen together at public events.
there i said it.
uugh! i know alot of ppl have different opinions than me but THIS is how i feel about it all.
i just hope the WORLD turns out alright...