Wednesday, April 18, 2012

to sum up everything that happened

2 Yoochun bad rumors

1 Jaejoong bad rumor

Yoochun gets slapped at airport going to Chile

JYJ get stuck in LA for a long time because of flight delays

like thousands of fans from South America came to support JYJ

Changmin's grandmother dies :'( they are on their Tone Tour)

JYJ went back to Korea

Jae had a nervous break down and was sent home after staying with Yoochun for 3 days at the funeral

Yoohwan was sent to the hospital for 2 day of the funeral but was back for the burial

Jae fainted and was sent home with a UV the last day of the funeral and didn't get to go to the burial

Junsu was with Yoochun and so was many other celebrities and family etc.

Jaejoong went into 'hiding' i guess (well thats the way i see it) for about a week (because i counted the days omg i was going crazy at this point) thank god Jae's sisters tweeted about him a little bit

then Yoochun went straight back to working on Rooftop Prince and Junsu went back to his musical playing Todd

then finally Jaejoong tweets and he's suddenly blonde

he stays blond for a week or so but we don't really have a lot of pictures of him with that beautiful hair (only photoshoot was that 1 nii photoshoot) :'(

I find it funny Jae became better after Yunho and Changmin came back from Japan

srsly if you look at the background of Jae's room you see his white ipad?
im sorry but srsly Jae has a black ipad but now it's white
and Yunho's ipad  is white but then after i saw a pic with Changmin and a black ipad??!!

Jaejoongs back to glorious black

and then

Yunho cries on the 2nd day of the Tone Tour (the same day the Titanic sank btw)
and then Jaejoong immediately follows Heechul who followed him back (yes same day)
then Jaejong accidentally followed a fan that tweeted him a picture of our leader crying (ninjas because he didnt follower her for long and he only follows 3 ppl now junsu, chun and now heechul)

Junsus going to have a solo album soon

 Kangin is back btw cry cry crying with those ELFs

Changmin and Yunho's Tone Tour concert went perfect 3 days in tokyo dome with something like 160,000 fans (a record and such <3)

Junsu and his 'clan' tweet with his Elisabeth cast lmao that was definitely a Naruto reference XD

Yoochun! one of the Rooftop Prince episodes was postponed because of the script writers or something so there are 3 episodes this week

Zhoumi's bday, Jessica's bday

and yeah

so stuff!!!


i think Jaejoong...
i don't even knooooowwwww
his latest tweet is like
'breathing without the one you love = being alive but not living'
people say its referring to Yoochun's drama but even if its from Chunnie's drama it's something that definitely has to do with himself
and he tweeted that right after he accidentally followed the girl that tweeted him the picture of Yunho on the day Yunho was crying

gawwww out of everyone he worries me the most

because he's just not there doing anything

its not like him to stay home like this

and he's becoming so introverted

like he used to have the most celeb friends and other friends in DBSK and go out all the time but idek
now he only follows 3 ppl on twitter
but i shouldn't be so worried because he's probably still good friends with everyone (like hyunjoong etc)
but... its just that he's so secluded... yeah.... i shouldn't be so worried idek
sometimes people just need to be alone
Im just worried okay?!

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