Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yoochun's going to the army?! already?! What?!!

Yoochun's going to boot camp before Jaejoong?! and he's only going to do service work? and what? i'm all... this happened so suddenly! wtf?!

1- Yoochuns not even of age yet! Jae's not even of age yet! wtf?! ;_;
2- Why did they call him NOW?! when hes so young? (okay kinda the same as 1 but still)
3- Why didn't he move it back any more? I mean Jae moved his to August! D'X
4- How... god i don't even know!!! WTF?! aaaaahh! i'm going crazy! Why now Yoochun?!

my feelings i don't even know! ;A;

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