Friday, March 22, 2013

Stronger Than They Appear

so much god damn injustice.
so much god damn injustice!
its just NOT RIGHT...
when JYJ left they knew this would happen to them but still...
it's been 3 god damn years!
how dare you...

i can't even wrap my head around this

i became a fan in 2009 so i was there right when it broke

i was there when all the god damn precious pieces were falling all over the fucking floor
Cassiopeia wants to pick up the pieces
but its so untouchable
and it rots and withers away because no one is there to nourish it

i don't even know what i'm talking about
oh god

it's been 3 god damn years
I AM JYJ bias, okay?
i am
i admit it


the presidential inauguration...
y'know i did get angry
fucking Korean media degrading JYJ and cutting their performance time

what else should i have expected? i thought
of course they would find a way

i had hoped
i had HOPED
that JYJ would have been able to perform like a normal artist for ONCE
ONCE in god damn 3 fucking years

it hurts so much that i had started to think everything was going to be over
that JYJ would finally FINALLY be able to perform like normal


but of course
what was i thinking?
to even put any amount of trust into those god damn show hosts
those god damn camera men
those god damn...
i shouldn't have started to trust them again

it was my fault that i'm so hurt
because i started to trust them again
when i shouldn't have


it's just wonderful though
that all these feelings are being brought back now
it's supposed to be a time of happiness and rejoice
in basking in their success
but no
that god damn article
brought back all these dark horrible feelings
it brought them all back to me
because it hurts to re-realize their predicament
it god damn hurts

it made me re-realize why they were so sad for so long
why they write so many sad/angry songs
why they are the true heroes
because in the end
its THEM
THEY are the righteous ones
taking all this CRAP


the article made me remember:
that JYJ can't ever show their faces on Music Bank
it made me remember:
Jaejoongs scandal
Yoochuns scandal
it made me remember:
Save Jeju Island
Charity Concert in Japan
the Buses during Unbelievable Live Tour
it made me remember:
that it was so god damn hard for Junsu to get to perform in his own god damn country when he was promoting his solo album
and then finally they let him perform during a disability charity concert

and they turned the lights off on him and stopped recording

it reminds me:
all of the times the anonymous 'they'
the anonymous 'he'
the anonymous 'friend'
came up and i KNEW they were talking about JYJ
but people couldn't SAY it...

it reminds me:
DBSK were in DEBT to SM when JYJ left

i feel so unbelievably pissed off

and yet i feel god damn proud
and strength
i feel it coursing through my veins
i feel it
i will support JYJ always
no matter how many things they throw at them
no matter what those paid off fucking no good people say about them
no matter what

even if it means that i will feel pain
that people will spit at ME
i will stand by JYJ

they are the real heroes
i am fucking proud of them
SO god damn PROUD
i am so proud to be their fan
i wouldn't trade anything
i will always stand by them

their accomplishments
their achievements
their smiles
their laughter
their success
not only in work but in achieving everything that they want to the way they god damn want to


their happiness

it is mine

because they worked hard
because they are honest people
because they don't hurt others
because they TAKE the heat
because they are still humble
because they don't dish back at those bastards that hurt them and blow up even if i think they god damn have every right to

they are amazing

i will ALWAYS stand by them

i will ALWAYS be their fan

because they are better than what has been done to them
because they are better than what has been said about them
because they are better than those people who use underhanded tactics just to make sure that they hurt and that they know that they are being hurt on purpose

they are above all of that



i like them because of their voices
i like them because of their looks
i like them because they're personalities
i love them because of their hearts

i love that they keep moving
keep pushing through all the tough times
all the rough patches
they don't dwell
they take all that negative energy and they channel it into becoming better

they always strive to become better
they always work their hardest

THAT is what i love about these boys

THAT is why i'm Cassiopeia
THAT is why i won't ever give up on them

i love them

they are better than all of this

they will rise again

one day

one day

one day

one day

one day

we are waiting

Always Keep The Faith


  1. Just feel like letting you know that I'm a Cassiopeia who had been quietly reading your blog for some time now. :'D
    lol sounds creepy but yeah c:

    always keep the faith <3! Hwaiting.


    1. lol someone really follows my rants? XD well thank you i am flattered ;>////<
