Wednesday, October 24, 2012

DBSK One Harmony

If god is real
I have no doubt that he created these 5 boys to complete each other.
I don't understand
I will never truly understand these feelings
but i know that i FELT it

The first time they appeared in front of us
They fit so well together
even if it was a little bit awkward
only at the very beginning

because they were so different from each other

but it's amazing
its SO amazing
how well they fit together
how they just mesh
how they masked each others flaws

they were perfect together.

The way Yoochun
is so emotional
is so soft hearted
he kept DBSK rooted to their emotions
that Yoochun would cry
it was like he cried tears that were for all of them
he showed the other boys that it was okay to be sad
that it was okay to show emotion
that they would support each other always

The way Jaejoong
is opposite of his appearance
showing that looks aren't always what they seem
the way he opens his heart to is members
the way that he seems to want to hold tight
so tightly to the bond of the 5 of them
even when they were together
always holding so tight
as if to say
'they are my members
my family'

The way Changmin
even though he was a shy boy once
a boy who seemed to shrink into himself
he became a strong support for the members
our rock
he keeps everyone grounded
he's got a good head on his shoulders
that brain that is the best at school and at Japanese
that brain that is logical and realistic
he made sure everyone didn't go overboard
he always acted responsibly even though he was the youngest
he is a great maknae
a dongseng to be proud of

The way Yunho
took charge
through and through
our leader
if Yoochun and Jaejoong were the floating
if Changmin was the rock
Yunho was the one who made them go the same pace
pushed them to work together
encouraged fiercely
He carried a burden that was large
making sure that DBSK was working together
making sure everything was okay
Yunho bearing the burden of being the leader
Yunho who embodies what a leader should be

The way Junsu
the way he smiles
oh that smile that can light up a room
that attitude that would change the atmosphere in an instant
because of Junsu they were reminded
even in the toughest times
to smile
to laugh
to joke
to be young
because of Junsus optomism
DBSK could be a happier group
if Yoochun and Jaejoong are being emotional
if Changmin and Yunho are being serious
Junsu could change the atmosphere
and bring everyone together in that way
with that smile that is so important

 They worked together

they FIT
it was like music
beautiful music
when they were together
they got into a rhythm
a natural rhythm
when they were 5 there was beautiful music

their body language
bounced off each other
like musical notes
creating harmony

when you saw them
they exchanged hugs, smiles
even when they exchanged glances
there was a language

a peaceful language
a strange and wonderful language
and when you saw it
it wasn't like you were imposing on their secret world
but as if they were inviting you into their world
their world full of that comfort

They shared comfort together
but also with us
and suddenly its like your in on the secrets of their world
and this music they create
this harmony
is so precious and important

you realize that maybe some things ARE meant to be
just maybe
they were put here to show
that there IS meaning
in this dark life

there is light
there is kindness
there is friendship
there is true love
there is hope
there is something MORE
you feel it so DEEP

that when you realize that you won't be able to see this perfect harmony anymore
it hurts
it hurts deep in the bones
your whole body aches
it hurts
it hurts because you HOPED
you FELT something
you BELIEVED in something
that there WAS something

and you plead with yourself
that that something is still there
IS still there
please let it still be there

and you wonder how you lived before this
without ever feeling these feelings
in all of it
but you don't ever regret

not ONCE
is there regret for loving them
not once
do you ever think you want to go back and take back
the times you smiled with them
laughed with them
felt warm in your chest because of them
felt embarrassed because of them
cried with them
cried because of them

not ONCE do you regret still loving them now
still loving the 5 of them NOW
not ONCE
do you think back and think that this was all a waste

because you KNOW that DBSK have taught you so much
so much as a human being
they have taught me so much
and i would never
take back the time i spent on them

because i believe that the time they spent together MEANT something
that the time i spent loving them MEANT something
that the time i spend loving them MEANS something
that all of us OT5 Cassies will one day
smile upon the 5 of them

and SEE
and HEAR
and FEEL
the music between them again
the beautiful harmony
that only the 5 of them could create

and then they will smile at us
the smiles that invite us into their world
the smiles that say everything without words

the smile that is for Cassiopeia


If god is real
he created DBSK
for the lost souls

so we could see
there can be real harmony between people

for people who needed something
and they didn't even know it

They gave me faith
not only in DBSK but in LIFE
for people like me who were losing their faith in humanity

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