Saturday, December 15, 2012

gah i'm ridiculous!

you know what i just realized?

Jack Frost starts with 'Ja'
Yue starts with 'Yu'
its YJ
just like Yunjae
just like JJ's cats names are
Jiji and Yoyo
the YJ pairing is like symbolic
and i picked 'Yue' because i thought it sounded nice but subconciously made it YJ because i thought it sounded nice
OTZ even this momentary Jack Frost obsession is pulled by my Yunjae sympathies!
and to make it worse i knew ppl were saying Jack looked like Jae but didn't realize i was making fanfiction that in my head was just like Yunjae were stepping into Jack and Yue's shoes and being them
I imagined Yue to look like Yunho and Jack to look like Jae oh my god and i didnt even realize it! ugh!
my OTP will rule me forever apparently
and im okay with this OTL

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dear Tumblr,

please come baaaack :( auuugh i just CANT UGH! LIVE! AHHUUUHGHHHHHH! i think i have internet addiction, tumblr addiction... i can't do anything ugh asdfkasjdgksd
i want you back please! TT^TT

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jack Frost meets The Man in the Moon

Warning! NC-17
Jack Frost x The Man in the Moon

The Man in the Moon watched as Jack glided through the forest, the wind carrying him gracefully.  He could hear Jack laughing to himself as he froze over a lake.  The Man in the Moon smiled as he watched Jack landed on the lake, skating around with ease. 
Jacks silvery white hair rushed through the wind so beautifully.  This boy was kind and innocent, he was happy and joyful.  He had done a good job choosing Jack as a guardian.  The Man in the moon continued to watch him every night without fail.  He mooned over his own handicraft in creating Jack’s physical appearance, his white clean hair, his blue crystal snowflake eyes, his blue sweater with icicles, his light fair skin, and his ice cold touch. While admiring these traits he began to love not only his own handiwork but became even more in awe of Jacks inner self.  He had known Jack was good and kind, but Jack was so much more selfless and giving, so much stronger than even he himself could have ever imagined.
The Man in the Moon found that his admiration had grown beyond the boundaries, the constrictions of what was just admiration, and had become love.
Jack finally stopped skating for a second, and looked down at the ice, taking The Man in the Moon out of his thoughts.  Jack was looking at something on the ice but he couldn’t tell what it was.  Jack turned around and looked up at him and the Man in the Moon gasped because Jack had the most breathtaking smile on.  Jack had noticed the reflection of the moon in the ice and had stopped to admire it, admiring HIM.
The moon was round and bright, full and there was not a single cloud in the night sky to cover it.
“Man in the Moon” Jack whispered.  Jacks voice sent a thrill through him. “You’re really handsome tonight… I wish you would talk to me… I wish that I could hear your voice… see your human face.  You were once a human too, right?  I wish you were here, I mean standing right here.  I have so many questions I want to ask and so many things I wish to say… like… like ‘thank you’… I want to say a lot but I’m afraid you can’t hear me, or you’re not listening… even now… I wish I could see your form so I know I’m not just here by myself” Jack sighed dismay in his voice, that smile quickly turning into one of dismay.
The Man in the Moons heart was shaken, that just a simple plea from this young boy, that of about 300 years old, could stir such deep emotion in such an old soul, was hard for even himself to believe.
The man in the moon took a deep breath, steeling himself, he didn’t know how long ago it was that he had been back on earth in his human form.  Truthfully he was frightened.  How would he look?  The same as when he had first become the moon?  Had his features changed since last time he saw them? He thought this but he really didn’t even remember what he looked like.  He wanted to ease the boy but he was afraid also.  He was always able to watch and didn’t have to participate.  The man in the Moon asked himself if he even remembered how to speak.  What did his voice sound like? The more The Man in the Moon pondered this the more afraid he grew.  True, he was powerful, but that power had made him isolated.
It was too late to think all his worries through though, Jack Frosts sad face was enough to crush his heart, and so he shone his light on Jack.  Surprised by the sudden brightness Jack took a step back from the glowing light that fell shining in a beam down in front of him.
His image was already taking form within the light, wisping the light particles together in a swirl of motion.  Jack stood stunned, his breathless at what was happening right before his eyes.
The light revealed a glowing outline first, a tall well built body, at least a head taller than Jack, lean waist, and a broad shoulders.  Then details began to conjure, a white top hat covering his face with a matching suit, gloves and shoes, and a gentlemanly straight posture.  Then details began to take form, Jack could see the gold lining on his hat, suit and gloves, he could see the small twinkle that shinned off them beautifully, as if those linings were golden glitter.
Finally The Man in the Moon lifted his head, slowly, uncovering his face from his hat, revealing a shy smile.  Jack gasped as The Man in the Moon revealed his eyes, a shining pale yellow, his skin practically glowing white porcelain, his blond hair was cropped short yet outlined his beautiful yet masculine features, high cheekbones, adams apple on his long neck, he looked to be only in his early twenties.  He was a sight to be seen.
The Man in the Moon asked, “How do you do?” when Jack continued to stare at him.  His voice was deep and musical.  He didn’t know what kind of reaction to expect, he had never taken human form since the first time he was changed into the moon, meaning no one had ever seen The Man in the Moons human form before, and so he had no other people to measure Jacks reaction to.
“M-Man in the Moon?” Jack whispered still shocked.  He had been calling The Man in the Moon ever since he had become Jack Frost, he could not believe his wishes were answered.
“Yes, that’s me, but I prefer to be called Yue” He frowned “Is there something wrong?” he looked at his hands, then took off his hat and rubbed his hair, it was a mess of shining pale gold, that still fell perfectly after The Man in the Moon stopped playing with it.
Yue was about to put his hat back on when Jack slid closer and stopped his hand.  He froze, he hadn’t had any form of contact in anyone ever since he had become the moon.
“Wait,” Jack told him, looking down at where Jacks hand lay on his arm, stopping him from putting on the hat.  Jacks eyes snaked up his shoulder, to his neck, his lips, every feature, until their eyes met.
The Man in the Moon was nervous as the boy looked him over, but never before had he felt such a surge of energy as when Jack was looking at him straight in the eyes.  Jacks blue crystal eyes that seemed so pure and clean, especially now that Jack was basked in the light of his moon beam.
Jack had a serious face as he peered into The Man in the Moons eyes, they fascinated him, looking closely he could see that they weren’t just normal pale yellow eyes, but just like the gold in his suit, or the strands of his hair, Yue’s eyes held glittering wisps of lights in constant motion.
“Can i…” Jack started as his other hand roamed up Yue’s chest towards his face, feeling his cheek, as if to make sure that Yue’s perfect white skin wasn’t fake.  Jacks ice cold touch sending pleasurable shivers down Yue’s back.   
Jack smirked, thinking that it was the coldness of his hand that caused Yue to shiver “Sorry about that”, he began to take his hand away when Yue shook his head and held the hand in place. 
“No, I like it” He smiled at the boy who blushed.
A little embarrassed Jack looked away from Yue “S-stupid… you show up now of all times…”
The Man in the Moon smiled “I’m sorry I made you wait” He wrapped his strong arms around the boy and leaned his head down and pressed their foreheads together, forcing Jack Frost to lock gazes with him once more.
Jack grasped Yue’s arm and the back of his neck, as he was slightly lifted from the ground, “W-what are you doing?  Let go of me, you’re going to freeze you know…”
Yue laughed, causing Jack to blush even redder “What?!”
“Don’t worry about me” Yue said “I feel warmer when I’m touching you”
Yue, craned his neck down engulfing Jack in a deep kiss.
“MMNnn…” Jack’s voice came out, surprised.
He was breathless as he found himself underneath Yue, splayed out on the icy lake, covered in his bright beam of moonlight, the predicament making him hot inside, like he had never felt before.
Yue had dropped his hat and was now taking off his gloves.
“W-what… are we doing?” Jack moaned involuntarily as Yue’s warm hands swept underneath his shirt, lifting it up over his head with ease and started pinching his nipples.
The Man in the Moon could not stop now, seeing Jack so cute and vulnerable, so unlike how he had ever seen him before.  Yue leaned down and sucked hard on Jacks neck.
“AUuww! Yue!” Jack shouted in a mix of pain and pleasure.
One hand snaked down to Jacks lower regions, unzipping the skinny jeans and palming Jacks growing erection.
“Yue!” Jack whimpered, tears forming in his eyes “S-stop…”
“You don’t want to?” Yue frowned.
Jack shook his head and reached up to kiss The Man in the Moon deeply “I want…” He began to unbutton Yue’s jacket, and shirt, letting his body language fill in his words.  Yue helped him and took it off smiling again.
Yue managed to pull the rest of Jacks clothes off and admired the boy for a moment before moving in and leaving another hickey on his neck, while now pumping the boys erect length with his hand.  Jack moaned into Yue’s kiss, arching off the ice and clenching his fists into The Man in the Moons hair.
Jacks legs wrapped around Yue’s waist thrusting into Yue’s hand.  Yue released the breathless Jack Frost from his kiss and filled Jacks mouth with two fingers.
“MMmm” Jack moaned as he sucked and Yue pressed down in his tongue.  Yue shivered, imagining Jacks lips around his hardness.
Yue took his fingers out and brought them down to Jacks entrance, thrusting his index finger in first.
“AAH!” Jack shouted, his ice cold fingernails now digging into Yue’s back.  Yue kissed him roughly, exploring Jacks mouth with his tongue and continued to cater to the boys weeping length as he thrust his finger into him.
Tears streamed down Jacks face, as Yue entered another finger, stretching the boy using a scissoring motion within him.
Jack was not quiet, he cried out as Yue tried to calm him and assure him with his slow soft touch and distracting messy kisses.
Finally, Yue pulled his fingers out of Jack and pulled his length out of his constricting pants, pumping himself until he was ready.  Jack watched him nervously, tears in his eyes and red in the face, but with no rejection, waiting for Yue to invade him.
Yue positioned himself and thrust into Jack Frost, Yue went in inch by inch until he was fully inside Jack, Jack whimpered biting his lip, feeling so full because of Yue’s hot warmth within him.  Jack was also still tight around Yue even after Yue so thoroughly prepared him.
  “I’m going to move now” Yue said kissing Jack as Jack nodded.
Yue pulled out and thrusted hard, and suddenly Jack felt it, an amazing surge of pleasure.  He could not contain himself, as he arched high and craned his neck back, “AUH!  Yue! AGAIN!” He commanded, and Yue did just that, seeing that he wasn’t hurting the boy, he began thrusting harder and faster making Jack Frost see stars.
“AH YUE! OH GOD HARDER!” Jack shouted needily.
Yue chuckled and kissed him enjoying the vibration of Jacks shouts in his mouth and on his tongue.
Yue held Jacks hips in place and started going deeper and slower teasing the now completely wonton boy.
“YUE!” he moaned as he was slowly being filled “AUmmm, Yue please…”
Yue smirked.  He doesn’t think Jack has ever said please in his life.
“Please?” Yue’s voice made Jack visibly shiver.
Jack opened his eyes and managed to look annoyed annoyed yet embarrassed “Just fuck me harder, FASTER!” He tightened himself around his partner.
Yue complied thrusting hard causing Jack to tightly close his eyes once more from the pleasure coursing through his body.
“Yue!” Jack cried out thowing his head back against the ice as he came hard all over their abdomens, followed quickly by Yue as Yue thrust his cum in him grunting one last push.
“Yue…” Jack Frost sighed, hugging Yue’s body to his, loving the feeling of the mans large arms around him, his large hands caressing his body and the feeling if him inside him.
Yue and Jack exchanged a glance and Jack frowned at the sad look in Yue’s eyes.
“What’s wrong?”  he asked.
Yue smiled sadly, it looks like it’s my time to go.
Jack saw Yue look off to the distance and now he could tell the sun was rising.
Jack held him firmly, “No!  Don’t go!  I don’t want you to go! What if you never come back to me… like this… human form” Jack said, the sorrow in his eyes was immense “I don’t want to wait another 300 years!”
“I can only take this form during a full moon, when there is no clouds to block my light” Yue said sadly “but Jack I am here always watching over you.  We will see each other again.”
Yue bent down and kissed Jack one more time before he faded away, disappearing with the sunrise growing more and more prominent.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jaejoong (turned into a DB5K rant post)

words cannot describe how much i love Jaejoong okay?
just no
augh i really love him
i was so confused at first
but he created this RIGHT AFTER the lawsuit ended so of course
'born free' like born again, now he has more freedom
and then 'one kiss' like one kiss goodbye

well at least thats what i interpret it as

anyways JJ of JYJ had me thinking too
and i do agree with everyone i've seen JJ of JYJ is also JYJ from TVXQ

I'm having overwhelming Jaejoong and DB5K feelings
Junsu aaugh his interview made me want to fall over on the floor and cry because it was so perfect and ot5
then Yoochun has been making me have so many feelings in 'Missing You' and Magic castle! UGH!
and then theres also the injustice towards Yunho and Changmin!
WHY didn't SM let them go to MAMA awards?!
obviously it was because they wanted EXO to have all the spotlight
its not that im hating or anything on the bands okay? but its so obvious!
anyways Yunho and Changmin are working really hard and gahhh they make me worried!
They dance in extreme pouring rain like it's an everyday thing!
gah! it's winter too!
I hope they don't get sick!!!!!

but yeah everyone is giving me too many feelings! i just can't contain them!!!!!