Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jaejoong Mine interpretations

these are amazing

i like this one too, i don't agree with some of it but i like how she incorporated a lot of the lyrics and also touched on things the others did not

and then there's me adding my 2 cents

have it be known that interpretations all differ accordingly. we don't actually KNOW for EXACT what Jaejoong was thinking when he created the MV but through general analysis of the MV we came to conclusions according to our individual knowledge about symbols and about Jaejoong's situation.

heck i read something where Chinese Cassies were drawing up comparisons with Mirotic

the only one who knows for sure what things mean to Jaejoong is Jaejoong himself
it's just like his tattoo's, there are multiple meanings and multiple interpretations

but through analyzing  we can try to understand and come at least a little bit closer to the truth within Jae's MV

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