Tuesday, March 11, 2014

how do you feel about the fandom (Cassiopeia/Bigeast general fandom)

We fight a lot sometimes, we cry a lot sometimes but that’s because we care about our boys so much.  Even if in the future we lose our title as the biggest and strongest fandom we are the most passionate fandom out there and our passion will continue forever and be remembered well.  Even if we have some negative points I truly believe we are the best.

how do you feel about the current tvxq/jyj?

I no longer have the feeling of wanting to return to the past.  I want to continue with the boys and find a future where there are the 5 of them together and stronger than ever.
I think its really selfish of me to continuously only think of the past when they were together and not think about how hard they’re working as individuals now.
They don’t regret which means I shouldn’t regret.  They shouldn’t have to constantly apologize to us, we shouldn’t be the ones wallowing and taking comfort in their kind words only, we need to be the ones holding THEM up and helping THEM.  We are Cassiopeia, right?
They are continuing and i’ve reached a point where, instead of wishing to return to the past and pull them back I want to hold hands with them moving towards a future where I believe one day they will reunite again.
So yes we did have everything, and it feels like we lost something when they split, but… it’s not like we really lost any of them, right? We didn’t lose them or their bond with each other or with us.  We still have those 5 amazing guys that I feel so thankful for each and every day.  These 5 guys that acknowledge THEIR Pearl Red and THEIR Cassiopeia and Bigeast.
It’s been years and years for me and i feel very worn.  I’ve gone through all those very intense emotions very intense and as of now I believe they haven’t lost anything. I believe they are growing so much. I believe that the bond they had is still there.  I believe the bond we have with them is still there.  I believe that fate really did bring them together and that fate will bring them together again in the future.
Right now as individuals they are building an even stronger platform for DB5K as a whole.
I really love them and I want them to be happy always and even the smallest things that I can do for them, like buying an album or doing a fan project or writing a little rant, if that can make their lives a little easier and make them smile a little more then it’s all worth it.
DB5K WASn’t the ultimate group
DB5K ARE the ultimate group
and they will continue to be for a very very long time and I intend to stay with them for the rest of my life.
Well I guess I should end with AKTF, Always Keep The Faith

what draws you to them?

They have everything, the good looks, the charm, the strong ethics, the perfect harmony, the amazing talent, the kindness, the humor, and the humbleness.  There is nothing that our DB5K boys lack and if they feel like they are lacking they push and work that much harder and never complain and always thank us and the staff no matter what.  More than 'idols' they are my 'role models'.  They taught me that there really are good people in this world, that maybe fate and destiny are real.  They teach me how to be humble. to work hard, to be a good person.  But also teach me to stand up for myself and not let anything stop me.  They attract the young and the old and keep their fans for a long time because of their amazing qualities.