Tuesday, August 30, 2011

jyj quotes

YC: We love you very much, we are so thankful. We want to be together with you. Jaejoong~
JJ: Everyone. Really… Ah, I am so embarrassed that I cannot let out the words easily… but I feel that I wasn’t able to say the words “I love you” very much. Everyone—we are always so thankful and we love you very much. We feel that with the strength you give we will be able to try even harder. More and more… and please, love us—even more.

JS: You guys are like… I cannot exchange you even for my life, a kind of… always…
YC: Of course you cannot exchange them.
JJ: Cannot exchange them? It is that they are people that you would exchange WITH your life. Ha ha ha!!
YC: Cannot exchange them, cannot exchange them.
JJ: Wow, really…
JS: To the degree that I would exchange my life for you, I love you guys…

Thursday, August 25, 2011


my computer died so im sneaking onto my moms... i just want to say even without my computer and all that i realized i cant stop thinking about my dbsk boys...

i really love them so much

i miss them together so much

its something i think i will live with forever

and when i say forever i mean FOREVER

i still cant get over how attached i am to them

i love them SO MUCH

its sad really

well all i have to say now is

Heechul i will miss you so SO MUCH

even though i dont really pay much attention to suju i dont know suju without Heechul... neways the army better take care of you! TT^TT

then poor Henry... Chinese OT13 fans are so mean being silent when hes around... you can do it Henry! hes such a good guy.  i just hope he can get through all the hate

and SHINee

ive been kinda ignoring them since they debuted in Japan

im not proud of it but i saw a live of them recently and all i can say is im so worried for them...

Jonghyun Onew and Taemin looked SO TIRED

that means Jjong and Onew DIDNT sing perfectly! i was shocked.  they are always perfect live those 2... they must be tired as HELL.

I hope they're okay and that they take it easy.  I'm more worried for them than i am for my 2 bias groups DBSK and Suju!

i mean in DBSK and Suju yknow we got some complainers and drinkers and lets have funners and they keep the group alive yknow?  by complaining and disobeying

thats how they EAT thats how they relieve STRESS

but the SHINee boys... theyre different

every single one of them is a 'good boy'

they'll obey whatever rules that SM lay out for them so

i worry for them more...

Suju and DBSK boys can watch over them sometimes but yknow not all the time...

i even heard Onew has fainted like 5 times!

please be okay my SM boys! TT^TT

why did i have to fall in love with all the SME boys?

neways no more time! bye!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the dbsk boys

okay to get this off my chest again Jaejoong shows us that he knows what we're thinking and going crazy over

well Jaejoong just had his kiss in 'protect the boss' so everyone must be going crazy and seething with jealousy and what not. (i thought i would be too but dang he looked so SOO sexy kissing her i didnt mind all i could think was that he was a DAMN good kisser)

well on twitter he wrote for us to calm down and in reply to one of his friends he wrote 'its just business...'

like he said ITS JUST BUSINESS some Cassiopeia gotta grow up

Jaejoongs a grown man now and us getting all prissy just because he kissed someone isnt gonna help anything

I want Jaejoong to find love someday (even if its not with Yunho) i want him to, and WE are just standing in his way

your gonna feel bad when hes like 40 years old and still isnt married or anything because of you! so please back off! ;-_-

then omg Junsu and Yoochun looked soo handsome during the AIDS conference.  theyre ambassadors or something.  Such a good cause! <3 plus dang i loved watching the videos of them cause there were SO MANY CAMERA FLASHES! it was crazy! i wouldve thought something was wrong with the video or something if i didnt know any better!  but the boys were natural and everything just like always! true professionals! ^^

Oh! and omg this may be the HAPPIEST and SADDEST news for me!

in october Kpop stars are having a concert in New York to promote Kpop as, you know, Hallyu wave stars.  well TVXQ (homin) are on the list!  I was FREAKING OUT when i heard!  Plus its a FREE concert! but then i realized that i definetly wont be able to go and i was all... TT^TT

woe is me! omg such a great thing and i cant go! i can never go! i dont have any money and when im old enough to have money then i probably would be too busy to go!  Why is the world like this?! TT^TT

this is like the most depressing fact in the world.  TVXQ have a great concert in October! TT^TT what sucks the most is that my birthday's in October but i would pass up ANY birthday present to go to this concert! TT^TT 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

the insight

i was tumbling and came upon this

insight from a chinese fan

i do agree, SME's just using DBSK's popularity to make other groups popular then they're gonna dump DBSK .

i really hate SME seriously.

Super Junior's going through similarities


the last 3 music videos 'sorry sorry' 'bonanama' and now 'mr.simple' all these mv's take place in a freaking box... its like they're telling us 'we (sme) are not going to spend anymore money on these guys'

it really pisses me off!

how could they do this to them?! wtf?! TT^TT

it's true what SME does they push you till you break or almost break and then after they just throw you away!

repeat 'look at what happened to H.O.T.' this just makes me feel like going crazy! DX

and yes its obvious that these guys (who are still in SME) are not being treated any better than they were before JYJ's lawsuit!


on a different note.  you've all seen the teasers of JYJ's MV ;D JYJ are planning for a new album.

and you know what they said 'if JYJ come out with a new album and it's popular (or whatever) then we'll let them on the show' that's what they said! i think it was KBS? Music Bank? but thats definetly what they said.

now we all should know that thye're trying to hinder JYJ from producing/making an album (those backhanded bastards) but we all know JYJ's strong and when they make their album and it comes out then the broadcasters HAVE to let them on.

i think Jaejoong knows this and he's taunting them.

Jaejoongs 'protect the boss' you know?  on twitter he says 'if you watch it i'll post a funny selca of me!'
and then he puts it up and goes 'a promise is a promise' and he keeps doing this and going 'promises are meant to be kept' and all i can think about is how he's taunting these guys like 'you guys promiiised ;D'

believe it or dont i dont care i just think Jaejoong's smart enough do that and that he doesnt do things coinsidentally.

i still think Jae pays the most attention to us.  He watches us.  He's probably a part of almost all of DBSK/JYJ's fancafe's or fanclubs.

anyways, he knows whats up and he knows what we're thinking.

there was the 'Wasurenaide' time where he tweeted 'this song is for DBSK as 5 members only' but take note that he also wrote 'this is not necessarily my opinion but im writing the opinion of what many others feel'.  He knew how we felt.  exactly how we felt.  we hold on so strongly to DBSK5 songs us Cassiopeia.  We cannot help it.  So if ever anyone but DBSK sings it then it will be many many years from now and WITH DBSK's approval.

there's also 'JYJ from DBSK' and 'Always keep the faith'  everyones all 'its interpretted as this its interpretted as that' but seriously Jaejoong knows how we would interpret it okay?  He knows that everyone will interpret it the way they interpret it and that it has slightly different meaning for everyone.  Most of all he knows what it means to HIM.  Its not to show to us but to remind HIMSELF. 

then ill just add one more example.
Jeju island.  Many JYJ fans were like 'i wont ever go to Jeju again! i dont trust you guys! how dare you do that to JYJ!' but then Jaejoong put up Jeju as his twitter pic.  Do you really think not ever going to Jeju is going to make Jaejoong happy?  He still wants to promote it.  He still wants you to go.  It's like he was responding to all those anti-jeju fans at once on where his stance was.

I'm sory but i read a diary or something that thought Jaejoong was just some cute dumb guy.  this isnt true.  He knows what hes doing and hes never stepped out of place.  He goes the right way at the right time.  I think he's actually very smart. 

Jaejoong, the 4 dimensional person.  people wonder is the loud one the real him?  is the quiet one the real him?  Is the really nice bright motherly one the real him?  Is the smoking drinking tattoo obsessed guy the real him?

the truth is Jaejoong is whoever he wants to be.  When he's at ease with his members he can become loud, when somethings on his mind he could just be in the corner thinking to himself.  He's all these things.  It's uniquelly Jaejoong.  I think thats why he interests me so much.  He's different from everyone else.  No matter what he's hard to grasp.  water comes to mind.

but it keeps me interested.  the things he does are always unexpected and when i think about it he always picks 'the right move' or MAKES the move he makes 'the right move'.  He's so interesting really, and im rooting for him and watching his every move with great interest.  Because he's great.  He's smart and i know he'll make it to whatever destination it may be.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


jyj have amazing ost's omg.  jaejoongs ost for protect the boss just came out.
1 word description = brilliant

i mean if theres some award for best ost of the year one of the jyj boys will get the award.  its certain.  lol

yoochuns ost i was like AAAH
then jusus i was like OMGG
and now jaejoong and im all KYAA


theyre amazing

just amazing.

jyj i feel so impressed!

if there is a 2 word description for my dbsk members it would be 'MUSICAL GENIOUS'

fighting! <3

i am so bipolar thanks to dbsk TT^TT

"Here are TVXQ, puppets made of lies, but they are able to be by our side.
Here are TVXQ, bluebirds of truth, but they are unable to be by our side.

Which TVXQ do you want?"

These were the first words that i read when i opened yet another old Cassiopeia letter...

the first thoughts
i hate how much im hurt by them
i hate how much my heart is effected by them
i hate them for making me love them so much

homin "puppets made of lies"
jyj "blue birds of truth"

homin, you guys, why are you puting up with SME?
why are you guys still there?!

i SCREAM in my head at them.

but the answer is simple FOR US.
"puppets made of lies, but they are able to be by our side."
by staying, by obeying they were able to stay by us.  be shown to us and entertain us.  its all for us.
and i think in my head I HATE IT I HATE IT! stop doing this to yourselves!

do you think that this type of selfless act makes us happy?  that we like to see you so much that we would think its okay if you suffer?

i want you to be happy.  happy.  BE HAPPY!  BE SELFISH! please please PLEASE.

then theres

jyj you guys left sme.
"bluebirds of truth, but they are unable to be by our side."
you knew that because of the lawsuit you might not be able to be stars anymore.  that you might leave us.  but you still filed the lawsuit.  you still did.  you weighed us against your own freedom and your freedom won against us.
SELFISH.  you didnt think about us.  you thought about yourselves.  you knew we might be stripped from you and yet you left.

and then my reaction was

i love you 5 so much that logic doesnt even make sense
all i see are 5 guys that i love so much trying to make the right decisions in their lives

THANK YOU for sacrificing even now for us.  staying in SME even just to keep us happy even just to keep the name alive... you know, i want you to know IT MEANS SO MUCH TO US.  THANK YOU.  no matter how much i agree or disagree with your decision, you thought it was the best decision for you and i see why so THANK YOU.

THANK YOU after 7 years of suffering you finally came out and said 'enough!' you spoke out when others were scared.  you stood up for yourselves.  THANK YOU.  by standing up for yourselves you stood up for so many others and also for people in future generations of kpop.  THANK YOU. no matter how much i agree or disagree with your decision, you thought it was the best decision for you and i see why so THANK YOU.

i love them so much and i see that on both sides there was a degree of what each were willing to give up and what each were willing to give.  both sides have such good morals.  they really tried their best to do whats right.  they really tried their best.  and DBSK being a group that have every member from different backgrounds with different points of view, of course they would have different values too.

you can judge one side or the other all you want for their decisions but it all comes down to this.
each and every one of them stood up for what they believe.  each and every one.  no one is a small child that knows nothing.  they are all smart men who are able to think for themselves. 

i love them all so much.  I LOVE THEM.

all i want to say now is that its not that all this is my opinion rather i want to say that i want to see everything from all the angles possible. 

i dont want to make up delusions based on delusions but think about what have ACTUALLY been said or shown.

okay rant time now so dont read this part if you can help it

i read somewhere about changmin wanting yunho for himself thats why he forced yunho to stay...

i think thats bull

this is all based on what you think and no actual facts or even idk bodily suggestions to this so im sorry...

im a major major yunjae fanatic but im not one of those 'oh yunjae broke up thats why dbsk broke up' people either

i think thats rediculous, i mean think about it, dbsks bonds so weak that a break up would break up all of dbsk? oh please...

you know what i think?

i think the problem happened between yunho and yoochun

during the 2008 awards where changmin cried i really thought they were gonna group hug but yunhos arms were around changmin and jaejoong and he steered them away from yoochun.  yoochun and yunho also showed basically no acknowledgement toward each other that day it was weird.  cause you know, all the dbsk members are close to each other.

and also yoochuns untitled song he wrote all the problems out right.  bam.  those were the problems.  it was just sme.

i think yoochun, since he drinks with jae he told jae about his unhappiness and insecurities and about how he knows now that they're being treated unfairly.  jae agrees and they confer with the rest of dbsk.

yunho disagrees, his family is like a justice force family you know?  before dbsk debuted his father looked over his contract.  him and his father already knew about all the bad stuff, but back then they had threatened to replace yunho so yunho and his dad decided just to take the 13 year contract.  yunho knew and knows its unfair but, because he is jung yunho he honors his promises and his contracts.  he will not leave.  his father agrees with him.  theres a quote from him about it something like 'an illegal contract is still a contract' or something.

well changmin agrees with yunho but junsu wants to go with yoochun and jaejoong because 'if anyone leaves dbsk i will not be in dbsk anymore' he has said that once before right?

thats around when the arguement hits its peak.  they cannot reach an agreement.  they start moving around at the airport as jyj and homin and you can feel the split energy.

then you know the rest...

i think the heat only lasted a little bit tho because no matter how big a fight dbsk get in they always 'settle it over a drink' like jaejoong has said...

i think its totally true that dbsk meet each other.  Havent you heard of all those celebs that converse but they cant make it public because they're in different companies?  well now it must be kept EVEN MORE SECRET than that because of SME.  so of course we dont know. 

but really now Cassiopeia gets the hints

those pics with yunho and changmin with a dog that looks ALOT like yoochuns and then yoochun puts up a pic of his dog as his twitter pic.

and jaejoong posting up 'i got the cool guys sunglasses' and then yunhos not wearing the sunglasses around anymore just proves to me that the pic really is yunhos sunglasses.

cassiopeia gets the hints.  they've made up.

they want to be together, theyve said it many times super bluntly, but circumstances being what they are they cant. not yet.  but soon.

they'll be back.  dont worry.  im so certain of this really.  theres no need to worry.

dbsk i love you! <3

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ah kyaaa!!!

i just watched the video of yunhos and changmins dance rehersal!
they looked soooo sxy for realz nooowwwwww!!!! (ok ok deep breaths)
1st off lets talk about how sexy changmin looked in the video, he's really all grown up! ah! so HANDSOME!
then yunho... SFSDFASTAWFA wow i forgot how sexy guys wearing idk gym clothes looks. especially on yunho! he looks soo good in those oversized clothes like so aaahh XD
plus his face is SO SMALL! its like rediculous!
all in all super super handsome!
then they danced REALLY well! ah kya! as expected from our homin!


minnies hand was in a cast! i wonder how long ago this vid was? :'(
i was watching his hand like half of the video and i think yunho accidentally hit it and in my crazy mother hen way i was like ASDFGSDER YUNHO! WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!!
lol but it was an accident and changmin didnt even look hurt so idk whats wrong with me haha XD

im too overprotective of all the dbsk members even from each other haha!

anyways success to you both!

Monday, August 8, 2011

protect the boss! and otherness...

okay 1st off im gonna rant about how freakin great junsu was in 'scent of a woman'! he was great! and the person that wrote his lines obviously was a junsu fan him/herself! junsu's acting was SO refreshing and of course even with all the drama and what not junsus easygoing happy aura controlled everything :)

okay now yoochun! hooraaaay!!!! apparently he got some award or something for best idol turned actor.  i shouldnt be surprised but for some reason im always caught off guard when chunnie gets such aweome acting things! then after im all 'of course yoochun got it! hes great! of course!'. in actual fact i think he really is a great actor and (opinionation!) i think he's the best actor in DBSK.  so yoochun u are jjang! i really think hes the best!

Jaejoongs drama 'protect the boss' is doing great also! woohoo! <3

now if you dont want to hear this part dont read it! omg very opinionated!

Jaejoongs makeup person or whoevers in charge wrote a letter or something to us Cassiopeia regarding all our complaints and such.

secretly ive been thinking the same thing as the people hes been addressing.  He looks not himself and kinda weirdish... older and not as perfect as normal?

well im relieved to read that the makeup person the light people and basically everyone around jae is trying to make him look less like an idol, make him look older and more... normal human being like (because apparently jaejoong is too godly ;D )

apparently Cassiopeias a bit mad about this?

im kinda opposite.  The people are helping jae blend in with the drama.  the people love jaejoong and want everyone to focus on his amazing acting rather than his godly looks.  i think thats great actually.  i hadnt thought about it but jaejoong really needs to change his looks according to his character hes playing.  he doesnt want to be like an 'idol actor' that looks perfect all the time in the drama.  He's gonna be a serious actor that doesnt look like he dropped out of heaven.  plus, Jaejoong knows that they are doing this, its not like they're forcing him to be ugly but theyre helping him be the character so Cassiopeia please chillax.

Jaejoong and his staff know what they're doing and Jaejoong doesnt need you to be all prissy cause he doesnt look like his perfect self on screen.

just watch the way hes acting.  take not that they put on makeup that tones down his incredibly perfect pale skin.  that they put him in certain outfits to make him look older.  Jaejoong and the dude hes acting against is apparently 10 years older than Jae.  of course jae needs to look older if in the drama they're the same age.

dont worry Cassiopeia this faze where his hair doesnt look perfectly combed and hes not wearing any accesories is only temporary.  Jaejoongs still jaejoong.

quite thinking about his looks and think about his acting.  he still looks good acting as Cha Muwon doesnt he?

Friday, August 5, 2011

serving the army

okay this goes all the way around super junior and back to dbsk u cant talk about 1 without the other rly

1st off i wanna say Shinhwa hyungs, they give me so much HOPE and them and their fandom are so strong, they give me hope for my DBSK boys and i hope their comeback from the army is HUGE!

okay now, Leetuk and Heechul are gonna be in the army next year! 2012! ....i wanna cry! its not like i want them to skip cause that wouldn't be very fair to the rest of korea but... "the 2 pillars of suju" heechul said something like that once and i do believe that...

i just... suju is so fragile, right now, suju is so fragile... i hope that this feeling of 'disbandment is approaching' isnt true cause suju is suju... i mean... yeah TT^TT

thats why i hope 'Mr.Simple' will be a BIG thing.  Something great and big for those loyal ELFs and for all those kind super junior boys! please please please!

okay then thinking about the army i start to remember about Yoochun.  As you may or may not know he gave up his American citizenship because he couldnt visit America enough.

But in an interview he once said "going to the army with everyone (dbsk members) will be fun!"

and it makes me teary eyed because

1) Yoochun is so kind he gave up his American Citizenship because he couldnt visit the US enough, and think about it, it would just hinder DBSK's activities, so he just gave it up like it was nothing for the sake of DBSK...
2) He talked about going to serve with the DBSK members as if they were all going together... as a younger guy he was already thinking about his brothers (the dbsk boys) and him in the future and about when they will go and he didnt want any special treatment that being said he would gladly go serve with his brothers.  He is so kind and considerate of our DBSK5 for real now just think about this really its so kind...

SO it got me to thinking

Jaejoong and Yunho will enlist 1st
if Yunho enlists wouldnt Changmin want to enlist also?
if Jaejoong enlists Yoochun would definetly enlist also at the same time and Junsu would definetly follow right?

i hope they serve together.

but then that means like 22 months without ANY of our DBSK members...

idk if i want that...idk if SME wants that and if ANYTHING they might want to keep Changmin until he HAS to go right? so that means they cant go together...

then theres Yoochuns health... as you may or may not know all those diseases hes been getting from malnutrition and stress... would he even be healthy enough to go?  then i feel bad becuase he would hate himself for not being able to go with his brothers, so even though i dont want him (or any of them) to go IF they go i dont want Yoochun to feel like this, left behind like some fragile person....

i really hope DBSK can go together that they can have this time together really...

but thats just my thoughts

anyways all this is really too real.  If they could i wish that they wouldnt have to enlist at all.  I wish we lived in a world where i didnt have to send my favorite boys off to the military.  they are so precious.  Gods gift to us.  So really i wish they wouldnt have to go.

and Jaejoong and Yunho are 27 now... so the time is nearing for them... TT^TT

henry lau

henry lau is SUCH A NICE GUY! hes in america right now and super junior just started promoting 'mr.simple' and his tweets... omg
"im feeling very" "very" "SIMPLE TODAY! they killed it! sdgsdfkaawe! WOOHOO!" "mixed emotions at times like this... never the less im so proud!!!!! miss them all. so happy."
omg its not exact but GAWD! henry im crying for you right now! TT^TT
your so GOOD gaaawwwwwwww!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

okay okay so much to say so little time...

1st off
i was so wrong about yunho and his ice skating.  i just watched his latest the star wars 1.  it was awesome.  HE was awesome, and i feel SO PROUD of him because i know he worked so hard. TT^TT
im having henry lau fever.  hes so dang cute.  I started following him on twitter and i read some of his tweets.  Hes so dang cute! i swear! right now it seems hes in New York for some reason?
Well super junior are having their comeback so those die hard 13 forever elfs should be happy i guess
anyways what i really feel is that ELFs have been so kind and supportive really a great fandom (ahem even though im a cassie even i can see this) and i really hope they get a very big and awesome comeback before leetuk and heechul go off to the army.
then Yunho and Changmin sing for a-nation. they sang the songs that all 5 would sing and the one that stood out the most in my head 'stand by you'.  idk i just felt like crying.  my 1st reaction was 'how dare you?!' but then i calmed down.  theres nothing these 2 can do if their told to sing the song and also its been a long time since its been sung.  i have to say 5 is better but they were fine.  they did fine and i still love them and support them.
then jaejoongs tweet killing everyone again.
something like 'im going to sleep.  heres the cool guys sunglasses.'
and obviously 1 of the sunglasses is the one that yunho always always wears at the airport.
then a-nation lady has to kill us again saying that yunho and changmin read tweets and that she heard that changmin cried after reading it a few days ago (the 1 about yun and min being his members).
omg aktf man! TT^TT
the world is crazy!
i hope every1 is becoming healthier and watching out for eachother and themselves.
okay so heres my prayer for today

dear god,
please watch over everyone that i love, so that they will be happy and healthy and live on for many more years to come.
please help super junior with their comeback and allow them to hit it big.  let the elfs feel this great big blow of pride as they watch super junior win a big award please.  i dont even have elf friends and i feel that they really deserve this.
then please help my dbsk boys.  help them not work to hard that it hurts them.  help them when they do work too hard.  let them be surrounded by people that love them and will care for them always.  and please guide them on their paths so that they wont have to suffer anymore than they already have.
please, if you can allow them to one day grace us with a stage where all of them can smile genuinly as they look upon us Cassiopeia as 5 again.