Friday, August 5, 2011

serving the army

okay this goes all the way around super junior and back to dbsk u cant talk about 1 without the other rly

1st off i wanna say Shinhwa hyungs, they give me so much HOPE and them and their fandom are so strong, they give me hope for my DBSK boys and i hope their comeback from the army is HUGE!

okay now, Leetuk and Heechul are gonna be in the army next year! 2012! ....i wanna cry! its not like i want them to skip cause that wouldn't be very fair to the rest of korea but... "the 2 pillars of suju" heechul said something like that once and i do believe that...

i just... suju is so fragile, right now, suju is so fragile... i hope that this feeling of 'disbandment is approaching' isnt true cause suju is suju... i mean... yeah TT^TT

thats why i hope 'Mr.Simple' will be a BIG thing.  Something great and big for those loyal ELFs and for all those kind super junior boys! please please please!

okay then thinking about the army i start to remember about Yoochun.  As you may or may not know he gave up his American citizenship because he couldnt visit America enough.

But in an interview he once said "going to the army with everyone (dbsk members) will be fun!"

and it makes me teary eyed because

1) Yoochun is so kind he gave up his American Citizenship because he couldnt visit the US enough, and think about it, it would just hinder DBSK's activities, so he just gave it up like it was nothing for the sake of DBSK...
2) He talked about going to serve with the DBSK members as if they were all going together... as a younger guy he was already thinking about his brothers (the dbsk boys) and him in the future and about when they will go and he didnt want any special treatment that being said he would gladly go serve with his brothers.  He is so kind and considerate of our DBSK5 for real now just think about this really its so kind...

SO it got me to thinking

Jaejoong and Yunho will enlist 1st
if Yunho enlists wouldnt Changmin want to enlist also?
if Jaejoong enlists Yoochun would definetly enlist also at the same time and Junsu would definetly follow right?

i hope they serve together.

but then that means like 22 months without ANY of our DBSK members...

idk if i want that...idk if SME wants that and if ANYTHING they might want to keep Changmin until he HAS to go right? so that means they cant go together...

then theres Yoochuns health... as you may or may not know all those diseases hes been getting from malnutrition and stress... would he even be healthy enough to go?  then i feel bad becuase he would hate himself for not being able to go with his brothers, so even though i dont want him (or any of them) to go IF they go i dont want Yoochun to feel like this, left behind like some fragile person....

i really hope DBSK can go together that they can have this time together really...

but thats just my thoughts

anyways all this is really too real.  If they could i wish that they wouldnt have to enlist at all.  I wish we lived in a world where i didnt have to send my favorite boys off to the military.  they are so precious.  Gods gift to us.  So really i wish they wouldnt have to go.

and Jaejoong and Yunho are 27 now... so the time is nearing for them... TT^TT

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