Monday, August 1, 2011

okay okay so much to say so little time...

1st off
i was so wrong about yunho and his ice skating.  i just watched his latest the star wars 1.  it was awesome.  HE was awesome, and i feel SO PROUD of him because i know he worked so hard. TT^TT
im having henry lau fever.  hes so dang cute.  I started following him on twitter and i read some of his tweets.  Hes so dang cute! i swear! right now it seems hes in New York for some reason?
Well super junior are having their comeback so those die hard 13 forever elfs should be happy i guess
anyways what i really feel is that ELFs have been so kind and supportive really a great fandom (ahem even though im a cassie even i can see this) and i really hope they get a very big and awesome comeback before leetuk and heechul go off to the army.
then Yunho and Changmin sing for a-nation. they sang the songs that all 5 would sing and the one that stood out the most in my head 'stand by you'.  idk i just felt like crying.  my 1st reaction was 'how dare you?!' but then i calmed down.  theres nothing these 2 can do if their told to sing the song and also its been a long time since its been sung.  i have to say 5 is better but they were fine.  they did fine and i still love them and support them.
then jaejoongs tweet killing everyone again.
something like 'im going to sleep.  heres the cool guys sunglasses.'
and obviously 1 of the sunglasses is the one that yunho always always wears at the airport.
then a-nation lady has to kill us again saying that yunho and changmin read tweets and that she heard that changmin cried after reading it a few days ago (the 1 about yun and min being his members).
omg aktf man! TT^TT
the world is crazy!
i hope every1 is becoming healthier and watching out for eachother and themselves.
okay so heres my prayer for today

dear god,
please watch over everyone that i love, so that they will be happy and healthy and live on for many more years to come.
please help super junior with their comeback and allow them to hit it big.  let the elfs feel this great big blow of pride as they watch super junior win a big award please.  i dont even have elf friends and i feel that they really deserve this.
then please help my dbsk boys.  help them not work to hard that it hurts them.  help them when they do work too hard.  let them be surrounded by people that love them and will care for them always.  and please guide them on their paths so that they wont have to suffer anymore than they already have.
please, if you can allow them to one day grace us with a stage where all of them can smile genuinly as they look upon us Cassiopeia as 5 again.

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