Sunday, September 18, 2011

i'm in a Yunjae AKTF5 mood TT^TT

its been a while since ive been this depressed about Yunjae and AKTF5

i think its because of In Heaven and Tone...

and the Yunjae in heaven music video! i srsly felt like CRYING after watching that! TT^TT

DBSK please come back please please PLEASE!  atleast before you go to the army for two years! come back for atleast a while PLEASE! TT^TT

i feel so bad srsly

i keep thinking about how if Yunho died Jaejoong will die and then Yoochun leaving Junsu and Changmin for a while until finally Junsu dies leaving Changmin all alone and then he just gives in and dies too! omg! wtf is srong with me! then after that there will be a mass suicide of Cassiopeia! TT^TT

This cannot happen!  You guys CANNOT die like this!!!! i wont allow it! DO YOU HEAR ME?! i WONT! ...TT^TT

im not even making sense! i should be happy right now since JYJ and Homin are promoting and all these AKTF rumors the AKTF fortunetellings and all that happening right now but...

I want Yunjae right NOW! i cant help it! its like Yunjaes a drug and i cant stop! i want them to be happy and together and i want DBSK to be happy and together and i want them to smile on the stage where they belong and watching us Cassiopeia, not crying of joy, but laughing and having fun together...

srsly the first DBSK reunion concert ALL of Casssiopeia will cry with joy.  I will personally CRY just thinking about it right now!  I cant even describe how much i love them and hope for them!

I hurt so bad!

but its been so long since ive last felt like this

i was just starting to think i was okay with the split 'im happy as long as theyre happy'

but its true that 'how can they be happy if what makes them the most happy is to be together?'


the truth is in both sides you can FEEL that they miss each other.  Maybe if you've never felt their hearts together, never heard them sing their hearts out together, never watched their old videos of them together, never knew what they, the 5, have been through as members of DBSK together for so long, working so hard together, maybe if you've never promised in your heart that you want to be there for them when they fall, that you promised in your heart every time you heard DBSK say 'forever' that you WOULD be there forever for them, if you haven't been through all that then MAYBE you wouldnt be able to understand my feelings or the feelings of Cassiopeia who YEARN for their return.


i cant stop these feelings flowing out of me, the thought of them being unhappy, and me helpless to do anything!

My final thoughts are , 'be happy be happy'

You better be happy!

i wanted to do a sane report about stuff but... my feelings about this are more important right now so who cares about all that stuff... well BE HAPPY

I will keep on living knowing that these 5 have the courage to also keep on living and moving step by step everyday no matter how difficult the road is.

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