Thursday, November 10, 2011

gahh! TT^TT

im going crazy!

before the voting started i was all "its okay if suju win.  cassies wife cassies best friend.  theyre going on haitus soon.  ELFs are rly trying to help them win."

i was actually planning on helping them and voting for them...

but once the voting actually started i automatically clicked TVXQ!

i saw they were losing and clicked them because... because... idk! because im Cassiopeia and i want to vote for TVXQ!

but sujus still winning even though i vote for TVXQ everyday!

i keep voting thinking "win win win!"

but what happened to my thoughts before?! so horrible!


then i get slightly frustrated that we arent winning but then i have to calm myself down!

Suju are trying SO HARD to help suju win this 1! Suju are going on haitus soon and they want to give this last win to their boys! 

They want to show SM that suju are worth bringing back and that this haitus will not be an indefinite haitus because suju are worth keeping around!

My TVXQ boys win SO MUCH they have won this award many times before!

why cant i just help suju?


i keep asking myself that and the answer is

no matter how much i love suju i love DBSK more

im so sorry boys!!! TT^TT

Yunho and changmin havent won mama on their own yet!  We feel like we need to show off their abilities, that they can actually make it as a duo, that they are good enough!

even though im an aktf fan i feel this way too and i cant help but click homin every single time!

i wish my heart could vote suju cause i FEEL like they deserve it but my heart moves my hand to pick TVXQ!

its like im struggling with myself!

its so contraditory when in my mind i think

"i hope suju win.  but my hand votes TVXQ!"


i know i sound like an idiot!

but i rly love the miracle of the purple line ;_; ... i cant help but feel like im betraying our love


then theres the other voting for GDA...

i didnt think twice about voting only for JYJ

gawd i feel like a horrible cassie today! TT^TT

the ranks are Suju, TVXQ, then JYJ

before i even opened the voting thing i knew i was going to vote JYJ

the reason?

Jaejoongs my bias and i hate SME

gawd i feel horrible though!

TVXQ are so close to winning but i want to vote JYJ!

"JYJ win! win win!"

thats what i thought!

gawd i hate myself!

the saddest thing for me was looking at the number of votes

Suju had about 9 thousand

DBSK about 8 thousand

JYJ about 7 thousand

i thought

if only dbsk were together we would have about 15 thousand votes

then it would be like before

things would be like before

DBSK would win like they always do...

i would be so happy

then i thought of the suju boys

im sorry is all i can think at this point

my love for even 1 of my DBSK boys is bigger than the love that i have for suju as a whole

im sorry

this is why i dont claim the CassieELF fandom


Suju i hope you win or else i hope JYJ win

im sorry homin

and im still voting for Homin and JYJ

Im such a pitiful human being

dont get me wrong i love you ELFs....

ELFs must feel so betrayed when some Cassies side with Sones

ELFs we're sorry we do love you



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