Sunday, November 20, 2011


dlskjf;aksdjhg as hdglaksh aiwu hgskdj falks

OKAY i just worked forever on a freaking math hw project that isnt even due till NEXT monday and not THIS monday (which is tomorrow) so FML!


i still have hw but god i need to get away from it for a second... ;>.>

omg Super Junior is helping me numb my DBSK angst as of now because truthfully i love suju but i am so emotionally unattached to their songs that i feel GREAT!

now everytime i hear a DBSK song i go into emoshinki mode

srsly maybe every song

the sad songs are like FML cry my eyes freaking out everytime

the happy songs are just as bad as the sad songs! maybe even freaking WORSE!

like every time i hear 'love in the ice' i get all angsty and crazy


i can barely listen to 'balloons' at all ever since i saw that fancam of yunho and.... TT^TT

even 'summer dream' that song... homin... they rly...

and 'proud'

even the songs they never sang as five live like 'toki wo tomete'...


that is why every DBSK song... EVERY ONE i feel like emotionally trashed right now!

thats why right now

these upbeat whatever suju songs are really hitting the spot right now

as long as i dont think about sad things with their group (which i usually dont unless its intentional) then im okay

but right now i cant even listen to english sad songs or love songs without thinking about DBSK and ranting about them in my head!

really even thinking about it right now HURTS REALLY BAD!



on another note

i went to go watch breaking dawn

one of the things that frustrate me about the movies is that i really dont like robert pattinson or kristin steward or however you spell her name.  He is NOT handsome enough OR talented enough to play a perfect flawless vampire and she is not even talented enough to play a doorstop let alone a human being.

but i did something in my mind that made the movie 3x as enjoyable

i imagined that edward was Jaejoong XD

dang every time i saw robert and thought 'ew ew ew wth hes supposed to be a vampire but look he has a pimple and wrinkles and hes so ugly, hes only slightly lighter than bella and bella is just as 'flawless (not!)' as he is they look the freaking same! shes already freaking pale! ugh!' i calmed myself down and imagined it as Jaejoong and it made me so much happier!  Jaejoong saying this or doing that ooh XD

so then i was all hmm i rly hate kristin too but yunjae would be weird... (and i definetly wanted jae to be the vampire) so i thought of a girl i dont think i would ever hate and picked Jessica Jung


i never thought Jaesica would be this sexy

i dont rly approve but for this movie... I APPROVE! XD


anyways i want to watch that new snow white movie coming out too but god!  why does kristin steward have to star in that 1 2!  her staring in it just ruins it! like i was watching the preview and was all 'dang this is really good!' and i was 100% going to watch it but then 'BAM' you see that kristin is snow white. 

i was like... shes not even prettier than the 'queen' coming after her ;>.>

whatever... the movie looked so GOOD though! except for her! but now my chances of seeing it became 50% cause i really dont like her.

her acting really just sucks too much.

but maybe if i go ill imagine her as jessica again?

or maybe ill imagine her as Jaejoong and the man coming after him and eventually falling in love with him will be Yunho? XD

i really want to write a fanfic about that now! KYAA! XD

but idk who the queen should be.  Heechul? Jessica?

i think Heechul and Siwon should be in it somehow and instead of the 7 dwarfs maybe ill have chunnie, minnie and susu be the 3 cuties that take jae in? XD

aahh i will definetly write it!

hopefully i can add a sexy rain and donghae and my bias kyuhyun maybe somehow find a way to fit sungminnie in somewhere? lol

ooh having hangeng in it would be cool too!! XD

aahhh idk i have alot of essays i need to write ;_;

i should be writing one right now...



back to homework!

i feel better now! ^^

ill let myself start on the story if and only if i start my history study guide and figure out what im going to write about for english!!!



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