Wednesday, February 1, 2012

gaww im scared my computer will shut down so im gonna post everything here!

Jaejoong: student
Yunho: counselor
Changmin: principal

1Kangin: homeroom
2Se7en: Math
3Rain: Science
4Yusuke: Japanese
5Heechul: Korean
6Hyunjoong: Geography
7Siwon: Gym

Once upon a time there was a boy named Jaejoong and he was constantly harassed by his teacher and classmates. 

Jae pov:
I thought if I went to an all boys school things would get better, but I was wrong. This school is full of crazy hormonal perverts!  The students are bad enough but the teachers are the worst! 
Math class:
Choi Dongwook, also known as Se7en, is my math teacher.
This dork loves math so much his nickname is actually a number.  
With that stupid charming smile and the way he dances around the classroom the other students love him. 
“Hello everyone, and Jaejoong” he winked as he came in.
“Hello!” Everyone laughed.
I rolled my eyes.
He makes passes at his students all the time and mostly towards me, but everyone thinks he’s joking around.  It’s really frustrating!
We took a math test today and I failed it miserably.  I can’t help it!  How could anyone pay attention to while the teacher is practically throwing himself at me?
He winked at me.
‘Uugh’ I thought as I looked out the window,
“Jaejoong-ahh, look over here babe, this is why your failing math” He says as the class laughs. “But I don’t mind, that just means we’ll have to have a tutoring session later.”  He winked making the class woo and whistle.
My face burns with embarrassment.  That bastard.

This teacher isn’t any better.  Mr. Jung Jihoon. 
There’s an odd number of students in class so he forced me to be his partner for labs instead of making a group with three people.
It’s super embarrassing having to work with the teacher.
“Jaejoong-ah” He whisper’s to me.  His lips brush my ear and I shiver from the lingering breath.
He reaches around my back and puts his hand over mine “Hold the test tube more firmly so you don’t drop it.”
“A-ah, thank you Mr. Jung”
“It’s Rain, Jaejoong-ah.  Everyone calls me Rain.” He whispers his name sensually and I shiver again.
“Yes, Rain” This guy doesn’t let up.

Yusuke Yamamoto.  What can I say about him?  He always flirts with me in Japanese openly.  It’s really embarrassing.
“The way you say ‘I love you’ is ‘Ai shi teru!’, like ‘Ai shi teru, Jaejoong!’.”
He smiles widely at me.  He’s very childish really so I can’t help but smile a little bit back.
I kind of like Japanese too because it helps me communicate with my Japanese friend Fukutaro, whom I met online.
Yusuke is the best out of all of the teachers.

Kim Heechul.  Oh gosh.  I dread this class the most every day!
Whenever he thinks people aren’t looking he grabs my butt!
I can’t even convince other people that he does it because Heechul ALWAYS acts like he hates me.
“No that’s the wrong answer Jaejoong!  Get up here!”  He points his stick to the front end of the class.
I inwardly groan as I lean over and he ruthlessly spanks my butt.  He hits really hard and the students in class flinch every ‘snap’ that the stick makes.
He does this at least once every day.  I think he LIKES it.  What a mean ruthless bastard.

Keita Tachibana.  Actually he’s Japanese but he teaches geography. 
I actually used to go out with him before he started teaching here.  I don’t want to talk about it.
Anyways now he uses his time to silently watch me and if we do talk all he does is beg for us to get back together. 
It’s really stressful being his student. 

Choi Siwon.  He’s handsome.  He’s like a movie star he participates in the sports we play and he’s one of those teachers that every student loves.  He seems so wholesome and good.
He’s got them all fooled!  He’s like that during class but he always makes me stay after and help him clean up.  I can’t help it if I’m a klutz, but this is too much.
After everyone leaves he’s always yelling at me.
 “Jaejoong-ah!  Five more laps!”
“Y-yes Mr. Choi.” I say exhausted as sweat runs down my face.

That is a typical day at school.

Chapter 1: The Principal
Jae pov:
Ah I didn’t tell you, did I?  The Principal, Mr. Shim Changmin, calls me into his office at random at least once a week.  We are childhood best friends, and what else should I say?  Well, how should I put this?  We are ‘friends with benefits’ if you know what I mean.
Jaejoong walk in and linger at the door.  The window shades are closed and the lights are off but I can see the figure of Changmin sitting in his chair quite clearly because of the light still streaming in between the curtain cracks.
“Come here, Kim Jaejoong.”
“It’s Mr. Shim to you student.” Changmin raises his voice, authoratively.  Jaejoong pouts and comes closer around the desk.
Changmin pats his lap. “Sit” he commands.
Jaejoong hesitates playfully, imitating innocence “I um-”
“Jaejoong” they make eye contact and Changmin’s glare is deadly.
Jaejoong abruptly sits on his lap.  He wants to play but he doesn’t want to go overboard.  He knows how impatient his friend is.
“That’s better.  Whenever you come in here just sit on my lap, okay?” 
He hugs Jaejoong, pulling his back to him with one arm, the other snaking over Jaejoong’s arm grasping his hand.
“Changmin-ah, principals shouldn’t act like this with their students-“ he said as he turned his head around and waved his pointer finger at him.
“You’re not just any student though, right Jaejoong?” Changmin unbuttons Jaejoong’s uniform and slid it off his shoulders. “We’ve known each other since we were kids.”  He bites Jaejoong’s shoulder causing Jae to shout.
Suddenly Jae wasn’t in the innocent acting mood anymore.
“Ch-Changmin-ah… just because you’re a smart ass and the principal of the school now… I-I’m still older than you… I mean-Aah!”
Changmin bit down harder and pulled Jaejoong closer so that Jae could feel Changmin’s hardness against his bottom.
“Jaejoong, you must call me Mr. Shim” He smiles as he snakes his hand down the older boys abs and under his pants making his victim breath harder and moan.
“N-never” Jaejoong said huskily.
Changmin growled and yanked Jaejoong’s cock hard.
“AAh!  Changmin!” Jae moaned throwing his head back, his black silky hair swaying with his motion.
Changmin pushed two fingers into Jaejoong’s open mouth and Jae sucked on them fervently.
Changmin then pulled Jae’s pants all the way down and discarded them on the floor leaving the older boy naked on top of him.
Changmin turned his chair so he sat facing his desk.  He pushed Jaejoong off him, making him lean over the desk as he forced both fingers into his ass.
“Aaugh Ch-Changmin, bastard… ah… n-not so fast… ah…” Jaejoong’s mouth hung open as his eyes grew hazier.
Changmin smirked at him “That’s mean Jaejoong.  You just called your principal a bastard.  You should be punished” he added another finger dry.
“Augh Min-AAH…” Jaejoong cried, squeezing his eyes. “Ah… fuck… AAhmm”
After a while, Jaejoong was drowning in pleasure and reaching back behind him to pull down Changmin’s pants.
Changmin laughed as he took out his fingers to loosen his tie and unzipped his pants, pulling them down to his ankles.
He sat back in his chair while Jaejoong turned around and did the rest.
 Jae climbed onto Changmin to straddle his waist, his ass lingering over Changmin’s hard cock.
He took off Changmin’s tie then unbuttoned his shirt, kissing his revealed skin down, and then teasingly licking the head of Changmin’s dick.
Changmin moaned “Jaejoong” he growled impatiently, his hands in tight fists on top of the arm rests.  You could see the perspiration on both of their skins glistening.
Jaejoong came back up and kissed Changmin deeply, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths, fighting for dominance.
Jaejoong pulled back for air and as he did he reached behind him to position Changmin’s cock at his throbbing hole and pushed himself down.
They both moaned.  Changmin’s hands went down to Jaejoong’s ass grasping it while thrusting up.
Jaejoong’s hands went into the Principal’s hair and tugged at the brown strands as they made for another fighting kiss.
“T-touch me… Changmin-ah…” Jaejoong sighed between their sloppy tongue wrestling.  He grabbed one of Changmin’s hands and put it at his cock.
Changmin obeyed and wrapped his hand around it thrusting in sync with his hand.  Jaejoong had to hug Changmin’s shoulders for support.
Min started biting Jaejoong’s shoulder once more.
“AAH!  Min-Ah! T-That h-URTs… ah…” Jaejoong cried.  He could feel Changmin’s lips smiling on his skin.
“I can’t help it Jae, you know I love to eat you” he said nibbling at his ear and then biting another area on his shoulder hard.
“AAH… Min I… hate you… ah… Ah… MM… faster… oh god…”
Changmin kissed his bite marks before kissing Jaejoong again, then biting his lip.
Jaejoong pulled back “Ah… don’t… ahh… not there… people will see that… if you… mmh… ha… do that to my lip… aHHmMn…  Min…“
“Sorry, they are just so juicy looking” he said but he complied to Jae’s request and they commenced kissing.
Changmin pumped Jaejoong faster as they were both reaching their climax.
Moaning loudly they came.  Jae collapsed on top of Changmin filled with the younger’s cum.
“Changmin-ah… you... are a… bad… MMNn… a bad, bad… principal…” Jaejoong mocked between breaths.
“Well you’re… a bad… student…” Changmin retorted.
They both laughed together.
Exchanging a soft kiss they got dressed, looking like nothing happened.
Jaejoong helped Changmin retie his tie and they both helped each other fix their hair.
“Ahaha, you look old in that outfit” Jaejoong laughed at Changmin’s grey suit.  Actually he didn’t really look old Jaejoong was just teasing, actually he looked really refined and it fit him perfectly.
“Hey!  It’s what principals are supposed to wear” Changmin pouted.
Jaejoong got up to leave but then turned around “Oh yeah, was there any REAL reason why you called me here?  Other than, y’know, needy sex?”
Changmin pretended he didn’t hear that but his face turned red revealing his embarrassment.  Jaejoong thought it was cute how Changmin got embarrassed still.
“Ahem” He used his ‘I’m the principal voice’, “I was actually wondering, since you are a student, if you would know of a good theme for the dance this year”.
“Hmmm… “ Jaejoong thought “You mean you want ME to choose one or you want me to come up with a whole bunch of ideas for you?”
“I think it would be best if you just think up one, it’s too much work for me if I have to pick one” He emphasized on ‘I’.
Jaejoong laughed “Same lazy ass I’ve always known.  I don’t know HOW you became principal.”
Changmin smiled “Geniuses are allowed to be lazy.”
Jae rolled his eyes and walked back to Changmin, kissing him again.
“You are such a cocky bastard” Jaejoong growled sensually.
“So are you” Changmin said back.
Jaejoong licked his lips “Don’t tempt me Changmin, if you want me to graduate from your school I need to actually go to class”.
Changmin laughed “Okay then, go.  Just think about the theme for the dance, okay?” He waved Jae off.
“Yes sir, Changminnie!” Jaejoong said leaving happily.
“It’s Mr. Shim!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Min!”  

Chapter 2:
“Stupid, stupid stupid, STUPID!” Jaejoong yelled at his giant blue stuffed elephant.  Hyunjoong had won it for him at a carnival.
“Why does HE have to come and tutor me?!” Jaejoong asked the inanimate object.
“Mom!  You are so mean!  I told you I want anyone except Se7en!  Why did you tell him to come over here?!  Why?!” He got up from his crouching position that was right in front of the elephants face, and kicked the innocent stuffed animal over. “hmp!”
“Ding dong!”
“Jaejoong-aah!  Your teacher’s here!”
Jaejoong ran down the stairs “Don’t open it!  He’s bad!”
Jae’s mom ignored him and opened the door “Hello Mr. Choi.” She smiled pleasantly.
“Ah, hello Ms. Kim.” He wore a black dress shirt and tight dark denim jeans.  “These are for you” He handed her a bouquet of yellow, pink and white flowers.
“A-ah!  Thank you!” She blushed.  “I talked to you on the phone but I didn’t know you would be this handsome”.  She laughed shyly.
Jae rolled his eyes.  Another person caught in this guys spell.
“Mooom I don’t need him to tutor me.  I can learn by myself.”
“Now shush up Jae, if that were true than you wouldn’t be failing your class.  Mr. Choi is being very nice tutoring you.  He’s doing it out of his good will, this way we won’t have to pay for a tutor either.” She looked back fondly to Se7en. “Thank you again”.
“My pleasure, teaching is my life”.
Jaejoong groaned loudly.
“Jaejoong!  Be polite!” Ms. Kim scolded “Mr. Choi I have to go to an appointment so I won’t be back before you leave.  Please work hard to teach my son a lot.”
Se7en smirked “Yes, ma’am”.
Jaejoong’s mom closed the door leaving Jaejoong and Se7en alone.
Jae instantly bolted to his room, Se7en close on his tail.
“Why are you running Jaejoong?  It’s very rude” Se7en scolded playfully.
“Get away from me you pervert!” Jaejoong shouted as he slammed his door shut.
Se7en caught the door, though and pushed it open.
“Now beautiful I am NOT a pervert.  Now, let’s get to work on math okay?” Se7en said, actually reasonably.
Jae hesitated before taking his hand.
Jae sat at his desk sweating over the small test that Se7en had given him. 
“Remember Jaejoong, you lose 1 piece of clothing for every question you get wrong.” Se7en teased.
Jae mumbled profanities.  He had lost at rock paper scissors which meant that Se7en got to pick his punishment.  Jaejoong handed him the paper nervously and watched as Se7en corrected it.
He smiled, letting Jaejoong know he made mistakes “You got five wrong, now you know what you have to do.”
Jaejoong gulped.  He took off his slippers and socks and then his bracelet. “There.”
He looked at Se7en hopefully and was disappointed by his shaking head.
“First off accessories don’t count, and secondly socks count as 1 and slippers count as 1.”
Jae pouted “That’s not fair!”
“I won rock paper scissors so I make the rules!”
  “Bastard.” Jae mumbled as he unzipped his hello kitty jacket, and took off his tank-top.
“There is that good enough?” Jaejoong asked.  Se7en shook his head. 
“That’s only 4 things, you need 1 more.”
“Rock paper scissors was your idea!”
“F-fine!” Jaejoong blushed fiercely, he felt Se7ens gaze as he took off his sweat pants. “T-there!  Happy pervert?”
“Not yet” Se7en confessed, eyeing Jaejoong in his black and gray striped underwear “too bad you didn’t get six wrong.”
“S-shut up.” Jae said sitting back at his desk, facing away from him.
Jae shivered; it was cold in his room.
Se7en came up behind him and placed the test on the desk, over Jae’s shoulder.
He could feel the warmth emanating from the other man and the slight smell of cologne that wasn’t at all unpleasant.
“Okay, first off when you add the denominators have to be the same so-“
Se7en explained as Jaejoong found himself subconsciously leaning into his teacher for warmth.
His head nodded off as he snuggled into the older man’s arm.
“And then you-“Se7en stopped explaining when he felt Jae’s body totally give in and heard the soft sleeping breaths of the student.
He picked up Jae and set him on his bed.  Wrapping him in the blanket he swiped his hand across Jae’s face to push away stray hair, ending up by cupping his cheek.
“You know I was only kidding around with you Jaejoong-ah” He whispered, his face close to the sleeping boys. “I didn’t think you would actually strip all your clothes off” He chuckled to himself.
Se7en stared at Jae with soft eyes “You’re so cute, you idiot” He bent down and kissed Jae gently on the forehead.
He silently got up to leave when a hand came and grabbed his arm and pulled him to sit back on the bed.
He looked back puzzled when a very awake Jaejoong stared at him. 
Jaejoong had been awake ever since he was laid in bed and after listening to his teacher he felt a totally different attraction to the man before him.  He realized that this guy was so genuine and even though he joked around a lot he sincerely liked Jae.
Jaejoong, before this, had ignored Se7ens advances because he thought Se7en’s personality was horrible and bad, even though Se7en was obviously totally attractive to him.
Jaejoong bent up and surprised Se7en with a deep kiss.  Now Jae freed himself to be able to see this man as a man and not a crazy pervert.
“J-Jae? Ahh… what are you doing?” Se7en moaned as Jae pulled him down onto the bed and started kissing his neck down as he unbuttoned his shirt quickly.
“Shh… shut up.” Jae said between kissing the elder man’s lips.
Se7en smirked as he understood what was happening. “Have you fallen in love with me, Jae?  Do you want me?”
“I told you to shut up” Jaejoong said “Or do you want me to stop?”
Se7en changed their position rolling on top of Jae, actions showing his answer.
Jaejoong’s legs instantly wrapped around Se7ens waist and bucked up.
The elder traced his hands over every inch of his body.
“AAhm” Jae moaned bucking up again “Se7en please.”
He chuckled to himself as he pushed Jaejoong’s legs off him so he could take off his jeans.
Jaejoong twisted over a little to reach into his drawer and pulled out some lube giving it to his teacher.
Jae’s face turned red as he looked at Se7ens smirking expression and he knew the older man wanted to say something perverted but was holding back.
“Sh-shut up”
“I didn’t say anything” Se7en laughed as he pushed a lubed finger into his ass.
“Ah… more…” Jae sighed.
Se7en added more fingers and pushed them into Jaejoong.
Jae gripped the sheets with one hand and with the other hand held bar of the headboard as he pushed himself down on the fingers even more moaning wantonly.
“Fuck..” Se7en didn’t think he could handle it anymore so he pulled his fingers out, hungrily staring at Jae’s pulsating hole, and fisted himself quickly.
He pulled both Jae’s legs onto each of his shoulders and forced himself into him.
“AAUUh… S-SE7… ah…” Jae moaned loudly.
“UUhh…” Se7en moaned back, he was lost in the feeling of being inside Jaejoong.
He pushed and pushed into Jae with so much force Jae was now holding onto the headboard so that he wouldn’t hit it with every powerful thrust inside him.
“AAuh SE7EN… Goo…. So… Good… Oh god…” Jae couldn’t help himself as He came without even being touched, the cum shooting up at his own face and chest.
The tightening of Jaejoong’s ass as he came was too much for Se7en as he used all his energy to push into Jae even more quickly but then pulled himself out and let his cum fall all over Jaejoong.
Some of it landed in Jae’s open mouth.  “Augh, Se7en… no that’s gross I don’t like that…” Jae complained.  The creamy liquid on Jae’s tongue was mesmerizing.
He licked up as much cum as he could from his student’s body up  all the way from his belly till he was licking Jae’s face, a collection of cum still in his mouth as he French kissed Jae.
Jaejoong could taste the salty bitterness filling his mouth.  It’s not that he hated the taste but the thought of cum in his mouth made him feel so dirty.
“Auh… I told you… I hate that… MMNn”
“Ah sorry Jae, I just wanted you to taste it a little.”
Se7en felt Jae’s ass tighten again, and he felt himself getting hard once more from the friction.
“F-fuck Jae…” Se7en moaned, his hand reaching to pleasure Jaejoong.
“Gaww... MMnn…” Jae sighed as they went for a second round.

Chapter 3:
Jaejoong sighed.
He had to come in after school to do a lab.  Because of his and Se7ens ‘study session’ he was too sore to come to school the day they were supposed to do it.
“You’re lucky I’m your lab partner.  You can come in after school today to do it.” Rain had said.
So here he was standing outside the door.
‘Courage!’ he told himself as he opened the door.
 He walked in and the classroom looked empty.
“R-Rain?” He asked.
Rain walked in behind him from the door “Ah Jaejoong-ah, you’re here.”
Rain shut the door.  Jaejoong noticed he also locked it but he decided not to mention it.
“Come over here” Rain motioned walking ahead of Jaejoong. 
“Yes sir…” Jae said quietly.
He bent down and grabbed something from behind his desk.
Jaejoong curiously looked.
“Eh that’s just a plant.” Jae said.
“Yes it’s a plant” Rain commented “but it’s a very unique and special plant”
“Does it have to do with the lab I have to do?” Jaejoong asked as Rain placed the small green plant on the ground a little ways in front of him.
“Now” Rain said “You’re job is to observe the plant.”
“Wha?  Observe?  Um well its green?” Jaejoong said confused.
Rain nodded “Yes but what do the leaves look like?  What does it feel like, smell like, taste like-“
“T-taste?” Jaejoong stuttered.
“Yes, taste it.”
“W-well the leaves don’t r-really look like leaves they’re kinda thick like short vines or something…” Jaejoong went closer to the plant as Rain took a seat in his chair.
He ran a finger along it before grabbing it “U-um it’s kinda flabby and th-there’s some sort of sap coming out of the tip of each of the leaves… is that what in supposed to taste?”
Rain shook his head yes looking bored.  Jae hesitantly licked the end.
“What does it taste like?”
“It’s bitter and sweet kind of like-“
‘cum’ he thought as the image of Se7en showed up in his mind.
“L-like nothing” Jaejoong said blushing profusely.
Suddenly the leaves extended toward him wrapping him in their tendrils.
“Ah!  R-Rain!  It’s trying to eat me!  Help!” Jae cried as the plant snaked itself even more around him, dropping him to the floor.
The vine like extensions crawled themselves into Jae’s shirt, leaving gooey liquid paths on his skin, making him whimper. 
“R-Rain” He said as helplessly as the leaf he had licked before forced itself into his mouth exuding the bitter taste all into his mouth.
“Interesting” Rain said taking notes on a clipboard.
“MMMMHMmhM” Jae tried to speak but his mouth was filled.
The vine like leaves pulled Jaejoong’s shirt up revealing his perfect white skin.
“AuhMMM” Jae struggled as the tendrils started to play with his nipples.
“Hmm… I see…” Rain said.
Jae opened his eyes to see a very serious looking Rain with a glint in his eye.
The tendril in his mouth finally snaked out and slithered own his stomach.
“R-Rain please… augh…” He sighed out of breath.
“Eh?” Rain said “Please?”
The tendril that had just left his mouth found its way down and started to snake itself down into his pants.
“AUH!” He shouted as the vine rubbed against his hardness.
The other vines held his legs wide open so Rain could see the tendril through Jae’s pants slithering closer and closer to Jae’s entrance.
“N-no…” Jae cried as it pushed itself inside him.  It moved in and out slowely, deeply and deliberately.
“F-Fu-… Ahhh” Jae felt it hit his prostate and his mind was lost.
Suddenly the tendrils were pushed off him and pulled out of him.
“That’s enough Jaejoong” Said Rain, whom somehow sedated the plant and put it back in his desk.  “Thank you, you can go now.”
Jae struggled to sit up on the ground.
“Please…” Jae sighed through his rough breaths
Rain looked down at Jae “Yes?”
“I need… PLEASE…”Jae really cried now, as tears spilled over his cheeks.
“Kim Jaejoong I will never know what you need until you tell me.”
“I need you inside me PLEASE Rain!  God Please!  GOD!” Jae yelled.  His body shaking with need.
“That’s a good boy” Rain smiled, taking off his white lab coat and bending over Jae, pushing him to lay down on the hard floor.
“Haa…” Jae felt Rains breath and shivered, always the smell of coffee.  Jae suddenly needed to taste the caverns of his mouth, wanting to know if he also tasted like coffee.  He was surprised by only a slight taste of coffee’s bitterness which stimulated Jae to moan, he had never kissed anyone whom tasted as such, it was husky and manly, and overwhelming.
“It seems the plant stimulates hormones too… are you sure you want to do this?” Rain said in his deep husky voice making Jae moan more as he grabbed for his teachers hair trying to pull him into another kiss.
He didn’t care at all, he wanted Rain so badly.  God he wanted him so much.
Rain pulled off all of their clothing and in fluid motions and shocked Jaejoong with his hard body.  With his lab coat on you couldn’t tell what his body was like.
Rain picked up one of Jae’s legs and thrust into Jae fully.
“AAH!  FUCK!” Rain was so big he hit Jae’s prostate in one go, Jaejoong was at his mercy.
He tried to grasp on to something but there was nothing to hold onto on the cold desolate floor so he started moving his hands grasping at his own hair, nail biting into his own arm and finally down to his own hardness which he pumped fervently.
His mouth hung open as drool escaped his plump lips.
Rain finally came into Jae, grunting as he pushed it all into him with a final thrust.
The science teacher got up and was going to start getting dressed again.
Jae looked at him incredulously. “W-wait I haven’t- AHhm” He felt himself almost cum but he was dry.
He was in excruciating pain “R-Rain!” He cried grabbing his ankle “P-please w-why can’t I cum?!”
“Hmm…” Rain said “I think it’s a side effect of tasting the plants dew.”
Jae looked up at Rain “W-what do I do?  How can I fix it?  Please Rain.”
“Well” He looked at Jae “I have a theory”
Jaejoong looked at him hopefully.
“Since it’s the plants cum, I mean, dew that did that to you then human cum should do the reverse.”
Jae made a face but instantly went to tear off Rains pants.
Rain sat back down on the floor as Jae leaned over his length, pumping it with his hand quickly.
The teacher involuntarily moaned “Jae, you have to head job me so you can be sure to eat all the cum”
Jae nodded as if he were very concentrated and then looked up at Rain.
“I-I never did this before, a-and you’re so big…” He confessed with big dough eyes.
“Just take in as much as you can and suck hard” Rain told him impatiently.
Jae obeyed and Rain practically had to hold himself down as Jae carefully moved his lips over his dick.
“Move, Jaejoong!  Move your head…” Jae obeyed as he shallowly dipped his head back and forth.
Rain couldn’t take it any more, he grabbed Jae’s hair and forced himself all the way into the smaller boys mouth, making him gag.
“MMMM” Jae complained causing vibrations through Rains dick making him thrust harder.
“Jae… Ahh… y-you’re gonna swallow a lot of cum… AAAH!” He released himself into Jae’s mouth holding him still as it leaked down his throat.
He released Jaejoong.  Jae gasped and coughed, but he finally came hard, and collapsed on the floor, from exhaustion.
Rain covered him with his lab coat.
“My theory was right” he said as he put on his clothes once more.  “Thank you Jaejoong-ah.  We have done a lot of research, today.  You’re lab is done.”

Chapter 4:
I have a sudden need to make JaejoongxDonghae smut
Se7en gives Jae a drug in the picnic he shares.
Later on Jae feels the side effects and falls over during passing time.
Good Samaritan Donghae helps him to the nurses office.
 Taeyeon, the nurse, realizes what Jae has but doesn’t say because Donghae is there so goes and finds Se7en after Jae tells her that he had a picnic with Se7en.
Se7en was just on his way to Jae’s next class to excuse him when there’s a fire drill and all the students and teachers need to evacuate.

Jaejoong sighed heavily, his eyes shut tight, sweat falling down his face like small perfect crystals.  His hands ran carefully close to his crotch as he arched his back and held back from touching himself.
“J-Jae?  You seem really strange… are you okay?” Donghae asked innocently, genuinely worried for his friend.  Donghae couldn’t, however, understand why suddenly he felt so hot.
“UUUhmmhhmm…” Jaejoong half moaned half answered.
Donghae gulped “Um… do you need a drink of water?  I-I’ll go get you so-“
“Wait” Jae said.  Donghae turned to see Jaejoong’s pained face and pouting lips “J-just stay here please… lay down with me please… I don’t want to be alone…”
Donghae gulped again and nodded.  How could he leave a friend in need?  Plus he had slept over Jaejoong’s house many times.
He crawled into the bed as Jaejoong made some room.
Jae lay on his side facing him.  Jae’s lips constantly parted because if his labored breath and were licked by his tongue almost constantly.
For the first Donghae had an urge toward Jaejoong he couldn’t control.  He leaned closer until their foreheads touched and he took a deep breath.  He smelt the lightness that was Jaejoong almost like spring but even cleaner.
“Donghae…” Jaejoong whispered and Dongha’s heart did a little jump.  He had heard Jaejoong say his name many times but somehow it was different at this very moment. 
He closed his eyes and leaned closer and closer…
Donghae’s eyes widened as the sound awakened him.
The fire alarm.
“Jae we should lea-“
He made a motion to get up but suddenly he felt himself pushed onto the bed and a pair of lips around his own.
“…Jae?” he asked “I-I”
Jaejoong silenced him with another kiss and ground his ass over Donghae’s cock.
“MMMMHMMM” Donghae moaned.
Jaejoong started to strip himself and Donghae as the fire alarm kept ringing.
“W-Wait J-Jae… We… I mean… the fire alarm… ahm” Jae moved his hips in circles over Donghae’s now large bulb.
“J-Jae…ha… ha… wait I don’t even… know if I’m gay or not…” Donghae sighed as Jaejoong flicked his nipple with his tongue and sucked it.  Donghae shivered and arched.
Jaejoong started to pull off his pants and underwear.
“W-Wait!” He cried.
Jaejoong looked at him, this time actually waiting to see if he would refuse anymore.  He would probably stop if he knew his friend really didn’t want it.
Donghae blushed seeing that Jaejoong looked totally unembarrassed as he straddled him, now naked. “Th-this is my first time…”
 Jaejoong smiled and bent down to kiss him.
“It’s okay, I’ll make you feel really good.” He said, and just the words made Donghae thrust up in want.

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