Tuesday, June 18, 2013



When I say i get encouragement from them it’s the truth
They make Jaejoong being adopted sound so bad but really he was adopted into a nice family and was happy there
the real hardships started when he started going to school and being the youngest child with 8 older sisters wore his sister hand-me-downs until he was in middle school.  He was teased a lot during that time, his sister around his age used to beat people up for messing with Jaejoong.  He was told he couldn’t sing well, his family didn’t approve so he only practiced at the computer lab in a room.  He ran away from home and biked all the way to Seoul.  Worked endlessly, trained and trained until he finally became who he is today :)
but it’s not only Jaejoong (although his sad past is mentioned more than others)
Yunho ran away from home too! But Jaejoong never had to sleep under a bridge like Yunho did and Jaejoong never had to pick up coins on the floor or under couches like Yunho did (although Jae did give blood to pay for a piece of food for himself once)
Yunho and Jae make me feel like I can go against the grain, work hard, and just keep at it no matter what
Yoochun flew all the way from America, left his family… most precious was his younger brother. Yoochun was only 16 or 17, he knew no one and he missed his brother terribly
Yoochun makes me feel like I can keep going on while loving and missing people who are not with me now, having the courage to go on without people you feel you need is really hard
Junsu was trained for a very very long time and was told by doctors not to pursue singing yet he sang everyday and practiced every day without fail
Junsu makes me feel as if positive thinking actually does work and that I can get through life without having to become someone too down to earth but still be myself and act a little childish and innocent
Changmin is the only one who doesn’t really have a sad past haha
Changmin though, he has to grow up so fast.  His personality keeps changing as if when he debuted he was like an old man and now he actually is having fun and not being so serious
Changmin makes me think maybe it’s okay to reevaluate what i think is important and try to change myself so I can live a better and happier life
I haven’t even talked about how they encourage me as a group! Let me just shorten that part to ‘they make me a better person’
DBSK is a healer for me
When i’m having a hard time it’s DBSK that come into my mind and make me think everything will be okay as long as I work hard like them and never let obstacles get in my way

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