Saturday, June 22, 2013

Joongie-oppa, breakdown of radio interview

Joongie seems... idk a little little bit down
i dont think hes really down exactly more like the pervading feeling of loneliness...

he morning tweeted for the first time in a long time
i think he must be a bit nervous haha
hes such a little sweetheart to be nervous
i mean korea and japan... there's no need to be nervous but he seemed very nervous for the korean one and now hes nervous for the japanese one

maybe its just the feeling he has showing himself to those most familiar to him
maybe thats a bit scary

how silly
we love you no matter what Jae

silly man

he pointed out in the interview that he has more friends in Japan than in Korea which makes me think that its not that he's alone in Japan maybe its the feeling that hes not alone in Japan and more alone in his own country and the thought of this makes him sad and feel that loneliness

also the rain he mentioned again
it must have its affects on him too
as if hes remembering that hes the rain man
maybe hes remembering a memory of that rain

but the way his voice was
i got the thought that 'ah hes a bit in that mood.  he's not brimming with excitement and joy but he feels... melancholy and a bit self conscious... a little out of it too

what a silly man

i think he wants to make it a point that his tour is very personable and real
its all about him exposing himself and sharing himself with us so yeah...
when he said that he'll say 'i love you' if he felt like it he wanted to emphasize that anything can happen and that he'll just do what he feels is right to do
but he said he'll say it anyways haha

what a sweetheart
i really...
don't feel lonely Jae
don't think about the numbers of people that you lost
 just think about the ones you have okay?
they care about you a lot and so do all of us

no matter what we care about you
i scare myself because i know i like it
i dont like that he loses sleep or eats less

but when he gets on that stage he looks frail as glass
as if hes glass and hes setting himself out there for us and hoping we dont break him
he becomes a little afraid and you can see it in his eyes and his face and his stance
and you just want to reach out and be so gentle with him

i really dont know

the strong Jae sometimes... he makes me proud
the frail Jae sometimes... he makes me hold on to him so tightly
dont make that face, dont show eyes like that
we love you so much baby
dont hurt please
i get that feeling

that talk about his love also...
hes like he 'was in love'
love is such a strong word for Jaejoong to use
he always said he went out with a girl or he had a girlfriend but this is different

its like he's admitting 'i was in love', probably with the person he saw and had that big first impression (he stumbled so hard on that, there was, there is, i had one... my heart just broke when he became like that) and then he said his heart was broken before

and i see that he probably really is talking about just one person

and then i think the rain must remind him of his loneliness and his loss and his friends in Japan remind him of his loneliness also and his nerves about the concert must have him... and practicing those beautiful and sad songs...

it feels like he's trying to convince himself that hes moved on from the person he fell in love with but... i dont think he has

he seems kind of sad and... so lonely...

i don't want to think these things but Jae... do your best... get some sleep baby... we love you so much

(since im a yunjae fan i think its yunho but there is definitely a person in jaes heart already and i feel like its so hard for him to let go of that person even though that person he loves... it seems to be that in his perspective that person doesnt love him back so he has to move on... if its yunho i feel so sad that its like this... if its not yunho i still feel sad and that i hope and pray jae can find another person to fill his heart because he has so much love to give but he needs that one person, a special person, to give love to him.  I hope he'll have a happy ending, and i know there are no endings really in real life, its just... i dont want him to suffer, i want him to find happiness)

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