Friday, March 16, 2012


“Sometimes the YunJae fanfictions are very sad. I wonder if me and Yunho will ever be seperated.” - Jaejoong

MC: Is there any member that you think will be good at helping you remove cow dung?
Jaejoong: The member that I think of when you say 'cow dung' is Yunho.
Yunho: ...?
Changmin: =D
Jaejoong: I heard that Yunho rode cows when he as living in Junrahdo.
MC: ooohhh..
Yunho: Yes, I rode cows when I lived in the rural areas, and I like cow dung.
MC: Oh, so you like cow dung? Would it be okay if your fans sent you cow dung fr a present from tomorrow?

MC: How many bowls did you eat today??
Changmin: xD
Yunho: He ate a lot today too~
Junsu: Rice.
Yoochun: Two helpings fried rice.
Yunho: Gyoza.
Junsu: Four helpings of gyoza.
Changmin: Everyone ate together, so it wasn't just myself!!! >__<

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