Monday, July 25, 2011

Jaejoong just tweeted about all his members and i feel like crying again

If you haven't read it, or dont follow them you should... they really write important stuff...
well here it, what Jae wrote...

Junsu is always the first among the members to wake up. Among the tired members, the first to do his hair, make up and the first to do his shoot. He has been like this for 8 years. Junsu's sincerity is what brought us here and I've come to emulate Junsu as a colleague and friend. There are a lot of lifelong lessons to be learned from Junsu. –Jaejoong (twitter, July 25, 2011)
Yoochun who is always impartial. He is always in the middle watching over everyone. That's why the members do not have such thoughts that we're alone. During difficult times, he shares his free spirit with everyone and makes us feel secure. –Jaejoong (twitter, July 25, 2011)
Junsu and Yoochun who makes me think that..I must try both are greedy uhuhut! –Jaejoong (twitter, July 25, 2011)
I don't know if I can say this but..I miss Yunho and Changmin as well..They are our members no matter what other people say and they are the guys who know it best more than anyone else..though I'm not sure whether I'm being pointlessly silly but..I miss them after a long time. –Jaejoong (twitter, July 25, 2011)
(at) mjjeje (Jaejoong) | Hyung, do you know?? That in this world, there's no other person like you...??^^ -Junsu (twitter, July 25, 2011)

(at) 0101xiahtic (Junsu)| I think I can do without a girlfriend^^ Yesterday while we were shooting, after a long time - I felt that it is enough just having you guys^^ You've given me so much strength, Junsu-yah^^ We're in this together for a lifetime. Thank you, for being by my side –Jaejoong (twitter, July 25, 2011)

gosh! Jaejoong! TT^TT YES! DBSK is stil 5...
what he said... "They are our members no matter what other people say and they are the guys who know it best more than anyone else" YES they ARE.

i went on today to see what the news said but...
im sorry im so dissappointed in only JYJ fans and also only Homin fans...
JYJ and Homin feel no hate for eachother but the fans do feel hate.  Hate that is spawned by rumors and misuderstandings...
i read comments like 'please dont misinterpret or read into it too much.'  and all this stuff but WHAT is there to misinterpret? nothing.  He said it straight out.  He said it SO CLEARLY theres no way to misinterpret the message. 

so please JYJ only and Homin only fans... people who have turned from TRUE Cassiopeia that loves them all... please SEE that they dont have the hate, that they only have the love and the hurt that spawns from people hating on their brothers.
JYJ hurt when you bash Homin
Homin hurt when you bash JYJ
because they are still 5 members of DBSK

Jaejoong always understands the fans the best, always understands us, what we r fighting about, what we are thinking, im sure he understands us the best so... thank you

and im not saying the other members care less i just mean Jaejoong pays the most attention and understands the best thats it.

i know this has nothing to do with anything but there was this famous girl Kim Whitehouse or something that died and they did this whole section about 27 year olds dying and all i could think about was how Jaejoong and Yunho are 27... so i was like 'shut up tv! dont make me think about this!' and yea just wanted to say... i can't imagine anyone in DBSK dying... please take care of yourselves!

on another note! non DBSK related at all!
Henry Lau has a Youtube?! i saw the video of him playing 'Today i dont feel like doing anything'
omg you know how much i LOVE him?!
Super Juniors my second favorite group and if you dont know hes um... theres controversys and stuff but hes definetly in Super Junior M until hes allowed to be in Super Junior (i hope) but gosh hes adorable.
not can he play violin like a pro while DANCING but hes great at piano and guitar!  His singing is also great! of course since he's Canadian his English is great! and yeah he can speak chinese and korean! gosh! and his personality! oh so perfect! hes adorable! 
i know i know DBSK is my life but this boys going places! 
Super Junior fighting! DBSK fighting!
DBSJ fighting!!!!! <333333333333333333

Friday, July 22, 2011


Dear DBSK,
I became a Cassiopeia so late in the game... 2009.  To think that i found you when everything was in chaos.  I have to say i was such a fool.  I knew about DBSK earlier but... i am not the type to like stuff if i know is really popular... so i ignored DBSK.  Back then i liked Big Bang.  I wasn't giving it much thought when i decided that i would try, just TRY, a little bit of DBSK, just a little.  I really fell in love with you.  All that avoiding, it was such a waste.  I wasted so much time TRYING not to like you...
The first member that caught my eye was Jaejoong, then Yunho, Then Changmin, Junsu, then Yoochun.  Before i knew it i was madly in love with all five of you.  I laughed with you and i cried with you.  I listened to DBSK music ALL THE TIME.  I still do.  I love you all so much and i love that you complete each other.  You mesh so well i could hardly imagine the five of you being apart.  You guys are really the total package.  Great singers, great dancers, so funny, so humble, so polite, so childish, just everything.  You really... i feel like i've known you my whole life now...
Thank you for allowing me to love you guys.
During 2009 there was so much talk, during my 1st year... i cried when i found out about the lawsuit.  Me.  A new fan.  I cried as if i were your fan all along.
DBSK was only my second group to love so i thought, if i loved DBSK so much lets see if i could love another as much.
So i watched some Shinee and Super Junior.
I wasn't surprised when i came to the conclusion that i could love none more than DBSK.  They were not DBSK.  You, DBSK, are SO special.  Do you know that?  SO special.
I was cautious still... i called myself a VIP Cassiopeia ELF and Shawol at this time.  As if i loved them all equally.
But as time went on i realized i was a Cassiopeia.  DBSK won.  You were everything.  No one else was above you.  I didn't see anyone but you. 
I love you guys so much.  to the point where i thought 'oh man this is just a stage.  I will get over it'  but i never did and now i realize i never will.  DBSK have become such a big part of my life. 
I even found myself praying for you every night, just asking God to keep you all safe and happy.
You teach me how to be humble. to work hard, to be a good person.  But you also teach me to stand up for myself and not let anything stop me.
DBSK i have learned so much from you.  You don't even know but you definitely have done the same thing for millions of others.
So thank you.
Rest assured that i will always be here waiting for you.  That i will always make time to come check on MY DBSK, 10, 20, 200 years from now.  Even when i get married and have children, a part of me is always thinking about you and waiting for you and watching over you.

A Cassiopeia

To Jaejoong

Dear Jaejoong,
You are my bias.  i don't even know why but there is something that attracts me to you. 
I tried to rationalize it but you know if i rationalize it in a million ways every single other member gets first place but you?  How strange.  But be clear you are my bias. 
Jaejoong, it seems you are most peoples bias, knowing that, i usually change my bias but with you... it always comes back to you and i've given up trying to change it. 
There is just something about you. 
I listed all the good and bad qualities and to me there are a lot of bad qualities that you have that the other members don't, yet here i am saying 'i love YOU' as my bias. 
Anyways, Jaejoong, i don't know why but my letter is seeming quiet mean even though i like you the most...
Let's start with the good things. 
Jaejoong umma, you really are like the umma, you do take care of everyone in that manner and dote on all of them lovingly.  Thank you for taking care of them. 
Jaejoong, you always care about Cassiopeia.  All the members do but you, you seem to know exactly what Cassiopeia's doing almost all the time, whether it's charity stuff, or even to the extent of knowing the famous fanfictions you know. 
It fills my heart that you pay THAT much attention to us.  That you care THAT much.  Thank you. 
You have always had it hard... i wont repeatedly say all those horrible things that happen to you but i really want to say thank you for getting through it all. 
You are so much more mature now, i can feel it in every new interview.  Your answers, you thought them through by yourself, you also reflect upon them and really every word you say it's so important. 
You have also become more open with us (Cassiopeia). 
When you guys first debuted till now... you are opposite Yoochun in the aspect of crying.  He found the strength not to cry and you found the strength to cry.  But it's okay.  We want you to let it all out and not have to hide. 
You have been doing really well but don't think us fans haven't noticed.  You haven't been sleeping enough, we see the fatigue in your eyes.  You haven't been eating enough, we see how skinny you have become.  We know you've been drinking more and even smoking occasionally.... please take care of yourself.
If not for yourself, for those who love you and cannot imagine their lives without you, please take care of yourself. 
Jaejoong, our lead singer Jaejoong, even though you got into SM with a beauty contest you were put into DBSK because of your singing ability.  Truly a singer. 
Jaejoong who has so many good and so many bad qualities, i wouldn't want a Jaejoong that is any different than this. 
It's the good and the bad it's probably just everything about you that makes you my bias.  But please, please, please watch over yourself.  I know you can do it.  Cassiopeia loves you forever no matter what happens.

An American Cassiopeia

To Yoochun

Dear Yoochun,
Cassiopeia's emotional sweetheart.  Your voice is undescribably sexy and your personallity is that of a soft hearted lover.  Whenever i think of you i think of piano music in autumn and i get a reminiscing feeling.  When i look back at those older videos i see this soft boy that cried so much. 
You have so much emotion and such a big heart.
 But really your stronger than i think right? 
Before you went to Korea you had many jobs in the states and helped take care of your mother and brother.  You were so brave to go to Korea all by yourself. 
I truly believe that you are strong.  Even if you cried a million tears and missed them so much you still pushed forward with DBSK to create beautiful music for us.  Thank you. 
As time went on you became stronger and your tears became less. 
I feel so proud of you.  As a Cassiopeia i feel proud that you are growing and as i see you now you seem much more put together and stronger. 
I know you know that tears aren't necessarily bad and you are able to hold them in now (most of the time) but I just want to say when you need to cry just cry.  I know Jaejoong and Junsu have been crying alot recently and maybe you feel the need to be the one who is strong? 
Thank you.  Really thank you.  But if ever you feel the need to cry just cry. 
Cassiopeia will protect you.  Always. 
When you are tired, rest.  I don't want to hear that you are sick because of stress and malnutrition.  It hurts so much that i can't help you. 
Please, for the members, for Cassiopeia, please, for yourself, take care of yourself. 
I want you to rest if your tired, i want you to find laughter when your stressed.  I want you to make sure you eat all your meals.  Please watch out for yourself. 
Yoochun, you look weak sometimes but i know you are so strong, with a passion that is undeniable.  Yoochun, Cassiopeia loves you, i love you, the members love you, your family loves you, we all support you no matter what. 
We have your back so please just rest for a while.  I don't want to hear that you are sick because of such causes again.  We are very proud of you and always will be so please get some rest.

An American Cassiopeia

To Changmin

To Maknae Changmin,
You are so cute.  You are.  Believe it.  Since debut you have always doubted it and i have to say right now.  You are cute. 
Being the youngest must be hard on you, who is the oldest in your family.  You always say that the other members are mean to you or bully you.  They just love you so much that they want to tease you.  Since you are the youngest they especially take care of you.  I dare say they spoil you, the way they all dote on you.  You must hate it.  It's quiet funny. 
But i do see you, when the other members are hurt you may not be the one they turn to but you are always watching and making sure your there for them, and when YOU are hurt you hardly ever burden them with it.  I admire that.
When i heard you talking about becoming an idol, the way you hardly tried but still got in, i was a little skeptical   All your hyungs tried so hard and yet you got in so easily, how unfair, but i think it was fate.
DBSK wouldn't be the same without you. 
Don't ever think 'thing's would be better without me' or any of those types of thoughts. 
DBSK would be totally different if you hadn't joined.  If you had not been playing tennis that day, if that scouting lady had not seen you and given you the paper, if you had not shown your parents, if your mom didn't drag you to auditions....
but all that DID happen, and you became a DBSK member.  A member that we cherish SO MUCH.  The company accepted you because you were SO good at singing, and you ARE.  Your voice just keeps improving and wowing us all. 
Then you danced so well even though you never danced before. 
We all look at you and think of how proud we are of our youngest member. 
We care about you so much.  Cassiopeia wouldn't even be called Cassiopeia if it wasn't for you. 
It was all fate.
I know if you could live again you said you wanted a normal life, I'm sorry you never got to have that normal life that you wanted.  But don't regret joining DBSK and experiencing so much with them. 
Lastly, Changmin i want to say you are very strong and mature, but please listen to your hyungs and don't scratch or push them (especially Yunho *ahem*).  That is my only worry. 
I know after the lawsuit you have been doing all the things Jaejoong and the other members used to do for Yunho, like reminding him to eat, and covering his face when he sleeps on the plane.  I just want to say thank you.  You will always be the super maknae!  Cassiopeia will always watch you and love you!

An American Cassiopeia

To Junsu

Dear Junsu,
I personally didn't like you at first.  I was such a fool.  When i saw you i thought 'What an ordinary person'.  I couldn't have been more wrong. 
I was SO wrong. 
Junsu, believe me when i say, YOU are the MOST extraordinary person.  Your talent for singing leaves me speechless and in tears,  your soccer skills astound me every time, i even hear your great at video games! 
Then i think someone with SOO MUCH talent should be arrogant also, but that is so wrong.  You are the most humble person.  Your innocence and optimism just makes my heart burst!
I then think such a humble person is probably easily breakable, but again i am so wrong.  You really are THE most strong member.  You have the strongest heart. 
"Junsu is like an oasis in the desert for us"
Jaejoong said that once and now i understand what he meant.  You are like a breath of fresh air, always able to make us smile or see the bright side in any situation. 
"He is like water that isn't tainted by ink"
Changmin was right on the mark but you are like a special kind of water.  Even if a drop of ink falls into you it doesn't taint you at all, the water is still just as clear and crisp. 
You astound me. 
I watch all the other DBSK members make fun of you, but i know and they know that you are such an important part of DBSK.  In dire situations you are always the one who seems to cope the best. 
From 6 long years of training, to allergies, your leg injury and all those other hardships, you have made it through.  You have accomplished so much and i feel that i will scold every single member in their letters except you.  Isn't that strange? 
You have been taking good care of your members, you have been expanding yourself artistically, and most importantly you have been taking care of yourself.  Thank you for being you. 
Do you know that you are the one that makes everyone smile?  Whenever i see you joke around and cause a light atmosphere it makes my heart light too. 
When you smile all of Cassiopeia smiles with you.  So the one thing i want to tell you to do is smile. 
You have been doing a great job of smiling for us, for everyone.  So thank you.  Cassiopeia really loves their cute angel dolphin.  We really love our charismatic singer!

An American Cassiopeia

To Yunho

Dear leader Yunho,
You are so strong.  So strong for everyone.  It must be hard on you to be like that all the time.  Strong for your members and for Cassiopeia. 
I've never seen you cry for real.  I see that you can easily make yourself cry(when it is needed in acting) and those people usually at least fake tears but you... you seem to pride yourself in being strong, i admire you so much for that. 
Throughout all those hard times in your life, from your throat surgery, to running away to Seoul, to your knee and countless other hardships you have endured.  You are so strong.  When i see you giving a speech during award ceremonies and when i see your arms wrap around your group members, able to wrap around them all, my heart is filled. 
I remember you talking about you changing after debut, and how you don't think of it as changing but becoming a better person, i admire you so much.  I see you try so hard to be this person that is strong.  You seriously HAVE become this person. 
When all the other members cry you wait until your alone to let your own tears out.  You always stand so tall, so strong...
but Yunho you don't have to be strong all the time.  It's okay to cry.  It's okay to be angry or tired.  We, Cassiopeia, know you are human too. 
When i saw your head being forcibly pushed down to bow or even when i saw the pictures of Changmin scratching you, and even when i saw the pictures of you scratching yourself i realized you don't even care for yourself but always with a smile, even if your hurt, you greet us happily...
please take care of yourself, i know this is the hardest thing for you but LOOK at yourself for once and take care of yourself... for us...
Yunho who is the type of leader that dislikes even yelling at his members, Yunho who is the type of person that calls his friends every night, Yunho who is the type who watches out for everyone but then forgets to eat his meals himself,
i really love you Yunho. 
Cassiopeia loves you so much.  When you said "We will keep working hard so don't hate us" do you know how much that hurt?  When did "We will still keep working hard so please love us" or "please watch over us" become "don't hate us"?
Please remember that we are always by your side, cheering for you.  That a red ocean will ALWAYS be there no matter what, so... its okay. 
Cassiopeia will always ALWAYS love you.  I will always love you too, so don't feel the need to exhaust yourself over such worries like if people hate you because there are SO MANY people that love you. 

An American Cassiopeia

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


when will everything stop?
im literally crying now,
i read junsus twitter and jaejoongs today....
junsu was quoting alot from songs and he even put up a pick from when DBSK sang 'Stand by You'...
then jaejoongs friends are so nice... Himchan was so nice and every1 rly i wanna say thank you to all of DBSK's friends rly THANK YOU for always standing by them TT^TT
and then theres hyukjae who is now following junsu and they had a little cute conversation on twitter and i was spazzing of happiness until i read someones comment it said 'how convenient since super junior are making their comback soon' and i just died a little inside!
i love hyukjae for being junsus bff for basically life! and rly to even THINK.... is hyukjae like THAT? i dont wanna think that! i dont! but now that that person wrote that i can only feel sad a bit that MAYBE that might be it and its really really sad... TT^TT
but really i want to believe in the hyuksu love that is everlasting and untainted because these 2 are so PURE and i dont want ppls comments and speculations to ruin their friendship... so even if hyukjae WAS told to make friends with susu again to promote himself and in turn super junior i dont care.  as long as hyukjae gets to talk to his best friend again.  As long as Junsu finds atleast a little bit of comfort and happiness by talking to hyukjae i think 'its okay' because Junsu is happy to talk to him because of that.... i just want my boys to be happy... TT^TT
and now i find out that yoochun has Herpes Zoster due to stress and malnutrition... yoochunnie!!! TT^TT  He already had that stomach thingy because of stress and malnutrition! gaaaww! chunniiiie! i am so worried SO worried! TT^TT
the fans and friends have been so great to JYJ i feel so full of gratitude for them being like this for our JYJ

DBSK's friends their backup dancers, their staff, all those people we dont even see that protect them and comfort them... they are there and so is Cassiopeia so... i just hope they can stay strong... i dont want them to feel the tension or the hurt i want them to feel the love and joy we have just seeing their faces...

thats all i have to say right now i guess... its just.... theres so much emotion.... so many emotions going on in my heart and i know it cant even compare to what the 5 are feeling.... please be strong for everyone and for eachother dbsk! TT^TT

Monday, July 18, 2011


ok 1st off wasurenaide thank god Roy gave apologized and everything before Cassiopeia spun out of control!  i feel bad for him now because hes just a guy that was used by SME and AVEX (cause i believe Lee Soo Man is behind everything meaning its not rly the companies but the evil man with the money that overpowers them so when i say SME and or AVEX i mean Lee Soo Man) but i rly do feel bad for him and im happy that he wrote suuuch a good apology and am satisfied with it because he didnt know.  He was used to hurt Jaejoong, JYJ and the DBSK family and once he realized this he emmediatly backed off and apologized so theres really not anything else he can do.

other than that i feel bad as a fan of DB5K.  Changmin got his hand hurt a week ago and i didnt know! and me being me and following DBSK basically everyday online i feel so stupid!  Am i really ignoring Homin to this extent?!  i know i follow JYJ more but... i know Minnies alright so its okay but still...

but rly i havent been feeling up to following homin i feel bad as a fan rly but still Yunhos iceskating... i know hes busy and all but he shouldnt iceskate at all if he doesnt do it well enough to not fall or wobble... and i know hes trying and some parts look super cool like when he did the moon walk and when he b-boyed but... he already got a leg injury and an arm injury and u can tell iceskating is hard for him and is taking a toll on his stamina... i just dont wanna c a Yunho thats hardly prepared scootching around the ice while his partner is soaring... i feel so bad cause u know Yunho he has some kind of pride that makes him work super hard on everything... i just pray that he'll be alright everyday!

and Changmin... i feel now that Changmin took this split as a time for him to truly grow up as an individual.  He's always had someone there for him and covering for him, before dbsk his family sheltered him (aka his mom) and then he was put into dbsk as the youngest and se he was taken care of by everyone and treated so well (yes he was treated very well by our other dbsk boys even though he wont admit it)... but rly his drama paradise ranch was the 1st thing he did actually alone and he worked very hard on it, and now that Yunhos so busy with Kiss and Cry he's taking initiative and making closer bonds with his own friends (like minho and kyuhyun) and hes learning how to take care of himself and decide for himself and i feel a bit lonely when i think of him... idk y its just a feeling like hes the youngest child and im the mother that cant let go of the last baby... (lol i know its weird) But when DBSK get back together (yes WHEN they get back together) he will have become someone i know im gonna be even MORE proud of.  His aura now a days is different, Homins auras a bit different... but i reall hope i can embrace this difference.

anyways the stupid Jeju thing is still going on and i read some people were angry at Jeju and said they would never go back to Jeju and stuff cause of the stuff with JYJ.... please dont say those things 'cause JYJ, especially Jaejoong, wants Jeju to be one of the 7 wonders and he wants to promote Jeju and have alot of people visit there...

i think the thing we need to do (and this is just a thought no animosity toward SNSD and f(x)) is show up for the Jeju thing and the 2 girl groups concert and make the whole crowd a red ocean and chant JYJ.  I know its a bit mean 2 those girls but rly now, this is taking a stand for JYJ and their rights! saying even if SME does this we are gonna tackle them in anyway we can!

neways thats just a thought and i havent voiced it anywhere but here but if you wanna spread the idea be my guest!

but neways thats my thoughts for right now

all my dbsk boys are perfect(not perfect perfect but you know what i mean) and deserve the world, i truly truly believe they are heaven sent, and fated to meet, and all that other mushy stuff!!
THEY themselves believe this to be true, and with that just makes ME believe in them even more.

for now goodbye...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

still outraged!

just now... instead of JYJ promoting that nature show SME artists like SNSD and f(x) will... SME u sure play dirty...

first it was the JYJ charity concert u cancelled and then u set up your own charity concert on that day making it totally obvious it was you...

now you cancell their appearance on this show and right after replace them with YOUR artists....

so dirty....

when you come CRASHING DOWN no one NO ONE will feel sorry for you...

im waiting for that day ferverently....

outraged! how dare they still do this to JYJ!

I just read on about them cancelling JYJ's appearance again! wtf?! this appearance was for Jeju island! it was for the good of promoting Korea and STILL they are held back! and KBS hints that 'backdoor interferrence' is the reason the 3 can't get on the show! that if they showed up and filmed the whole show won't air at all!! fucking SME! WTF! Someone needs to smack them! When will they learn?!  They're out of control!!! i swear! aah!!! i'm so PISSED!
now all Jaejoong can do is change his twitter pic to Jeju island so he can promote Jeju HIMSELF since he can't be on the show! aaahh!!!
well all I can do, as a fan, is change my photo's to Jeju also and trend #JYJwithJEJU ....
uugh! stupid stupid stupid Lee Soo Man! cause i KNOW its him and his rich bastard ass!!! *stab stab stab*
what a LOWLIFE!

then AVEX has this new dude Roy or something.  a chinese guy and he's singing Jaejoong's song Wasurenaide!!
EF U AVEX! WTH?! because of that bastard contract or whatever they DO own whatever songs the DBSK members wrote! and now they're flaunting this in front of Jaejoongs and everyone elses faces! like 'Hey look we still own (atleast a piece of) you!' this really SUCKS!
gaah! TT^TT

i feel SOO bad for the JYJ boys!  and i HATE KBS for giving into SME and their underhanded threats but i think if they dont listen Lee Soo Man probably has something up his sleeve that'll bring down the whole company and they're rly just saving themselves...

BUT STILL!  i still think if EVERYONE just starts disobeying and not taking the stupid threats and just let JYJ air then NOBODY would have to be be afraid of them....
but maybe im wrong... if Lee Soo Man's as rich and powerful as he seems then that wouldn't work cause he would just fire all the people helping JYJ and get new obedient people to fill their places...

UUGH! dear god! please please please help JYJ please please please help DBSK

i wonder how Changmin and Yunho feel?  Do they even know? or what?  at times like these i feel like questioning them and yelling at them to leave that bastard company but really... they have their reasons for staying! we dont know everything! so... *deep breaths* even though i want to scream "DO SOMETHING!" Changmin and Yunho have NO power especially since they ARE in SME... i mean SME employees cannot speak about whats happening inside the company and of course should not bad mouth thier company... so since they stayed they rly CAN'T say or do anything...*sigh*

all i can do is pray for them and their happiness... that they all will get through this and in the end come together again....