Wednesday, July 20, 2011


when will everything stop?
im literally crying now,
i read junsus twitter and jaejoongs today....
junsu was quoting alot from songs and he even put up a pick from when DBSK sang 'Stand by You'...
then jaejoongs friends are so nice... Himchan was so nice and every1 rly i wanna say thank you to all of DBSK's friends rly THANK YOU for always standing by them TT^TT
and then theres hyukjae who is now following junsu and they had a little cute conversation on twitter and i was spazzing of happiness until i read someones comment it said 'how convenient since super junior are making their comback soon' and i just died a little inside!
i love hyukjae for being junsus bff for basically life! and rly to even THINK.... is hyukjae like THAT? i dont wanna think that! i dont! but now that that person wrote that i can only feel sad a bit that MAYBE that might be it and its really really sad... TT^TT
but really i want to believe in the hyuksu love that is everlasting and untainted because these 2 are so PURE and i dont want ppls comments and speculations to ruin their friendship... so even if hyukjae WAS told to make friends with susu again to promote himself and in turn super junior i dont care.  as long as hyukjae gets to talk to his best friend again.  As long as Junsu finds atleast a little bit of comfort and happiness by talking to hyukjae i think 'its okay' because Junsu is happy to talk to him because of that.... i just want my boys to be happy... TT^TT
and now i find out that yoochun has Herpes Zoster due to stress and malnutrition... yoochunnie!!! TT^TT  He already had that stomach thingy because of stress and malnutrition! gaaaww! chunniiiie! i am so worried SO worried! TT^TT
the fans and friends have been so great to JYJ i feel so full of gratitude for them being like this for our JYJ

DBSK's friends their backup dancers, their staff, all those people we dont even see that protect them and comfort them... they are there and so is Cassiopeia so... i just hope they can stay strong... i dont want them to feel the tension or the hurt i want them to feel the love and joy we have just seeing their faces...

thats all i have to say right now i guess... its just.... theres so much emotion.... so many emotions going on in my heart and i know it cant even compare to what the 5 are feeling.... please be strong for everyone and for eachother dbsk! TT^TT

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