Saturday, July 16, 2011

outraged! how dare they still do this to JYJ!

I just read on about them cancelling JYJ's appearance again! wtf?! this appearance was for Jeju island! it was for the good of promoting Korea and STILL they are held back! and KBS hints that 'backdoor interferrence' is the reason the 3 can't get on the show! that if they showed up and filmed the whole show won't air at all!! fucking SME! WTF! Someone needs to smack them! When will they learn?!  They're out of control!!! i swear! aah!!! i'm so PISSED!
now all Jaejoong can do is change his twitter pic to Jeju island so he can promote Jeju HIMSELF since he can't be on the show! aaahh!!!
well all I can do, as a fan, is change my photo's to Jeju also and trend #JYJwithJEJU ....
uugh! stupid stupid stupid Lee Soo Man! cause i KNOW its him and his rich bastard ass!!! *stab stab stab*
what a LOWLIFE!

then AVEX has this new dude Roy or something.  a chinese guy and he's singing Jaejoong's song Wasurenaide!!
EF U AVEX! WTH?! because of that bastard contract or whatever they DO own whatever songs the DBSK members wrote! and now they're flaunting this in front of Jaejoongs and everyone elses faces! like 'Hey look we still own (atleast a piece of) you!' this really SUCKS!
gaah! TT^TT

i feel SOO bad for the JYJ boys!  and i HATE KBS for giving into SME and their underhanded threats but i think if they dont listen Lee Soo Man probably has something up his sleeve that'll bring down the whole company and they're rly just saving themselves...

BUT STILL!  i still think if EVERYONE just starts disobeying and not taking the stupid threats and just let JYJ air then NOBODY would have to be be afraid of them....
but maybe im wrong... if Lee Soo Man's as rich and powerful as he seems then that wouldn't work cause he would just fire all the people helping JYJ and get new obedient people to fill their places...

UUGH! dear god! please please please help JYJ please please please help DBSK

i wonder how Changmin and Yunho feel?  Do they even know? or what?  at times like these i feel like questioning them and yelling at them to leave that bastard company but really... they have their reasons for staying! we dont know everything! so... *deep breaths* even though i want to scream "DO SOMETHING!" Changmin and Yunho have NO power especially since they ARE in SME... i mean SME employees cannot speak about whats happening inside the company and of course should not bad mouth thier company... so since they stayed they rly CAN'T say or do anything...*sigh*

all i can do is pray for them and their happiness... that they all will get through this and in the end come together again....

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