Thursday, June 30, 2011

to or about dbsk that i saved...for myself ;^^

just stuff i wanted 2 save and yeah...

"It was hard at first to get into character because I’m playing a player who is into women, wine and gambling. But I’m doing well now because I learned a lot from Micky Yoochun. Our director said that if I just act like Micky Yoochun, I could receive an award for my acting."

"Xiah Junsu hyung, in the future please know my feelings towards you."

On a recent episode of “KBS2 Champagne” that aired on March 14th, Girls’ Generation / SNSD’s Sooyoung tells a story about TVXQ’s Jaejoong:
There was this time in TVXQ’s early debut days when they were drinking along with a lot of other people. A fan came up to him and said, “You look so much like Youngwoong Jaejoong!” And since Youngwoong Jaejoong is very witty and playful, he played back and said, “Since I wanted to look like Youngwoong Jaejoong so much, I did plastic surgery to look like him.” Even though Youngwoong Jaejoong was joking around, the fan took it seriously and replied back, “Oh really? But why did you pick Youngwoong Jaejoong? You should’ve picked U-Know Yunho.”
That was a good laugh. I could just imagine Jaejoong’s blank face after he heard that. What a stupid lucky fan. Not only because he or she got to talk to Jaejoong, but also because Jaejoong will always remember the fan.
“One day, I was with Junsu… he shared a song with me in the car that he’d written. It was still unfinished and we heard it through his phone… It only had the music with no lyrics yet… I asked him where the lyrics were… he smiled and …started sharing the lyrics with me… he started talking about how most people would interpret this song as love between a man and a woman. But he said his intentions were written that this song is between him (JYJ) and the fans (Cassies). He also said it was towards Homin. He looks forward to standing on the same stage with them someday. Until then, he’ll just wait and love. Junsu’s last 2 tweets after all this happened were the lyrics to this song. He was very emotional that day thinking about the DBSK days as 5. Can you imagine how he’s feeling now? People have totally misunderstood his heart and made him a liar and betrayer. Junsu is so innocent. You can see and hear his pure heart in this song. Remember, this song was written BEFORE all this chaos started. Please… don’t spread and increase the hate. Cassies must stay united. Cassies must stay strong for their boys. Don’t let something that took 7 years to build crumble overnight.”
“This line, “빛의 별들의 향연 the brightness of the star’s lights” is referring to Cassies… the stars in the sky… Cassiopeia shining bright… but where is that bright light now? It’s being stifled by bitter fighting and hate. Please let the li…ght shine brightly again. Please be proud stars in the sky. Please show not only JYJ or Homin but to the rest of the world… that Cassies are a proud fanclub… Cassies show love and not hate. Cassies forgive and do not point fingers… Cassies always stand by the boys… because love never changes.
“This is Junsu’s heart not for a girl he loves… but it was written for you fans (Cassies) and the other 2 members (Homin). This was why he was so devastated by the lyrics to KYHD. Please stop bashing Junsu. He is a sweet angel from heaven…. He only deserves our love and support. Let’s always stay by his side so he can stand on a grand stage to sing this song for us again with a HUGE smile and joy in his heart. We love you Junsu! We’ll always stand by you no matter what… because we know who you really are… we know your true heart… we know your character… that’s who we all fell in love with… and nothing will ever change that.
Credit: John Egg/ elbowyeish’s Facebook

Park Yoochun personally came to greet all senior actors to ask them to take care of his brother, showing his full shape of a faihful elder brother.
Park Yoohwan had also showed how important Park Yoochun was in his life. In a recent interview Park Yoohwan said, “Due to the racial discrimination among the society in United States, I spent most of my young times with my family. When my brother went to South Korea to debut, at first I was happy to own our room for myself. But after a week went by, I really missed him that I even cried. I realized how talking to him every now and then had been my strength thus once it’s gone, I just felt cold inside,”
“My elder brother’s attitude as a professional is gorgeous.” Park Yoohwan said, “My goal this year is I want to make my brother to be proud of me.

Kim Sooyoung (Jaejoong's 8th sister)'s cyworld entry:
May 8, 2007
Today I found out...
Someone touched my purse...
It's awful...
60 manwon ($600)... that's really a big sum...
Someone took it......
That person... really... for a month... he'd be happy...
I was so sad I cried...
And the first person that came to my mind was JaeJoongie
Of course... family can never let you down...
When JaeJoongie first arrived home...
Because I was robbed... he bought me some meat...
I wanted to make pork bokkeum... kkk
I made it for JaeJoongie... kk
But in the end... since it was my first time making it...
In the end... JaeJoongie... he made it for me.........
It was really......... delicious.....
JaeJoongah... thank you... kk
This nuna will really... work hard...
That's why... kk you'll surely overcome Japanese (language)... kk
JaeJoongah... I love you......
My dear younger brothers, TVXQ does not just belong to TVXQ. Don’t think too much and over-complicate things, just keep thinking about your fans who have spent precious times with you and who have always protected you. I hope that all of you can steadfastly protect the proud name of TVXQ. You definitely can’t disband, Hyung (T/N: Older brother) is counting on you. After the current issue is resolved, the 11 of us should go out and have fun.
Lee Min-Woo (Shinhwa)

“My first rumor wasn’t with a girl, but rather a guy (DBSK’s Changmin). To me, it is a huge honor.” –SHINee Minho

[NEWS] Pro-Gamer Kim Koohyun Says He is a Fan of JYJ

Posted on June 14, 2011 by jyj3
Kim Koo-hyun is a pro gamer. He is a member of the professional Starcraft gaming team named STX Soul. In Korea, the computer game Starcraft is very popular and some pro-gamers gain the status of celebrities.
In a recent interview, Kim Koohyun mentioned JYJ:
Question: You guys showed off the dance from (the girl group) Secret for your victory ceremony. I heard that in your living quarters Secret is popular.
Kim Koohyun: I also don’t watch the girl groups with that much interest. I like groups that are rooted in abilities and therefore I like JYJ. The songs are great and the singing ability is also great so Iisten to them a lot.

After Japan experienced a severe earthquake and tsunami, many fans have been worried about the safety of Korean celebrities who are currently visiting the island nation.
Brian, a former Fly to the Sky member, expressed his worry through his Twitter account. He tweeted, “I called Xiah Junsu over 10 times right now, but I’m worried because I can’t get in contact with him. I keep tearing up.” He later tweeted at the JYJ members, “@0101xiahtic @mjjeje @6002theMicky Are you guys okay? I tried to call Junsu, but I’m so worried because the phones aren’t working…”
In the end, Brian was able to eventually get in contact with Junsu. He updated his Twitter with, “Finally got a text back from Junsu… He said he’s OK… Not a fan of the news, need to hear from the person themselves to be sure 100%.”

Q:  Anonymous asks: Hi Shane! You were great MC for the JYJ concert! I liked the furry vest in LA. ^_^ Does Junsu really hum and sing all the time, regardless of where he is? And…you didn’t teach him any bad words, did you? keke
A:  Yes, I noticed Junsu does love to hum and sing a lot.  It’s like have a live version of the radio wherever we went.  It was nice HAHA.  I did give him one brief English lesson in Vegas.  He asked me about the proper way to use the word “Yet.”
Junsu – Hyung, what’s the proper way to use “yet”
Shane – Oh it’s really easy.  You use “yet” when you say you didn’t do something but you plan on doing it.
Junsu - ???
Shane – Like, “I didn’t shower, yet”  Essentially that means you didn’t shower, but you plan on doing it some point.
Junsu – Oh, I got it.  What about when you start the sentence with “yet”
Shane – Like “Yet, he was only a child?”
Junsu – Yeah.
Shane - ???  My head hurts
Junsu – Oh…
Yeah, I’m a bad English teacher…and “yet” is a trick word to describe.  But no, I didn’t teach them any bad words.

Their existence right now is something that can’t be traded for all the money in this world. ~ KO (one of Toho dancer)
Fan accounts about DBSK’s appearance in MAMA [11.23.2009]
My friend who went to MAMA yesterday… she was one of the Cassies who moved out of the way for JaeChunSu as they left.. and she overheard the staff talking.

Staff 1 – “Hey, did you see Youngwoong Jaejoong cry?”
Staff 2 – “Of course I did. I saw him crying silently and it was so sad that I felt so bad for him.”
Staff 1 – “They must be going through hell.. All three of them lost so much weight..”
Staff 2 – “Of course it’s hard for them… Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu were holding back tears..”
Staff 1 – “I feel so bad for them..”
Staff 2 – “Now that I think about it, it’s the first time I’ve seen Youngwoong Jaejoong cry. He used to hold back his tears even when they won the biggest awards. But to see him cry so hard that he didn’t care about what he looked like.. Phew.. I pity them..”
Staff 1 – “They’ll survive this well, they’re young.”

As the three were getting off the stage..
The fans started shouting “Miduhyo! Miduhyo!”
and Youngwoong Jaejoong apparently couldn’t hold it back anymore and burst into tears..
A Cassie overheard some of the staff talking
and they said that they had never seen Youngwoong Jaejoong cry so hard before….
He cried so hard that his screwed his face up and just let it out, not caring about what he looked like…
It hurts me to think of them in such pain…..
Also, in the parking lot, someone yelled “I believe in TVXQ!”
and the three stopped their car.. <Yuaerubi Cassie>

Yesterday, the three boys didn’t have bodyguards with them so the reporters were all over them so the Cassies acted as their bodyguards
And when they were leaving on the van that they had borrowed
A Cassie stuck a ‘Miduhyo’ sign on the car window
so the three stopped the car. So they could see it more, so more Cassies could stick these signs on their window.
And when the van was leaving, the Cassies acted as blockades so that the three could leave safely.
Our kind Cassies

Source: [Daum Television]
Translation credits:
Shared by:
Do not remove/add on any credits
“ When the other members’ opinion are disjointed, Changmin is the one who unites all the pieces. ”
DBSK’s manager
Yunho’s Top 10 Unforgettable Moments
 1. 2004 DBSK got into a car accident. A sedan hit DBSK’s van, the driver was pronounced dead on the spot, the van was completely crushed, each member was hurt in different ways. Yunho’s neck was very injured.
2. 2005, Nov 18 to 19th, he was running schedules non stop. The minute the camera shuts down, he fainted.
3. 2006, before his concert, his wrist was injured, but he removed the cast for the sake of the performance, during the performance he was bleeding, but he kept on singing. After the performance his hand was completely swollen.
4. 2006, march, barely 20 years old, fainted due to dehydration. His stomach isn’t strong, members always stick little reminder notes in his pocket reminding him to eat. Whenever he was trying to care for other members, they would say “you should be the one resting right now”.. they flew between Korea and Japan every week.
5. For the sake of having a better pitch when he sings and a better, more mature image, he got procelin veneers on his teeth, PV needs to be changed every 10 years, he has gone through numerous discomfort and pain after his procedure. May of 2006, because he was in such pain (his teeth), he was rushed to the hospital right after his performance one night. June, he experienced eve more pain because of it, he could barely eat, his face was so swollen he had to start wearing a mask
6. 2006, July. Concert in Malaysia, knowning his fans have waited forever for him, he gave a perfect performance that fooled everyone, no one could tell that he was trying all his might to hold the pain that was caused by dislocation of his ankles. He insisted on performing for his fans, he had to be carried out after the performance. That performance caused him to be away for one month so he can rest.
7. 2006, October, around 10pm. Something horrible happened, emergency room, different hospitals, cleaning and pumping out his stomach. The suspect has turned herself in. Yunho said “she’s about my age, I have a sister, so I hope she will receive forgiveness. As for me. No worries. I’m fine. I’m sorry I’ve made you guys worry”
8. At an award ceremony, all the members were crying their eyes out, Yunho stayed strong, he held his tear in, he smiled, he kept thanking everyone, but backstage, he shed more tears than the rest of the members combined.
9. At another award ceremony, everyone could tell his eyes were watery and red, but once again, held in it. He bit his fingers.
10. The famous 18 continuous bow. After the MBC dance battle special, he was sick, but he held himself together for the show, backstage, he bowled to every single performer and crew members, the fans captured the total number of times he bowed. 18 times.
An author posted a creative question in a blog regarding to the messages for DBSK if she can travel back to 2005. Here is the question:

I am time traveling back to 2005. Anyone needs my help to pass your messages to DBSK?

Below are some of the replies from readers:
“Please tell them,
even though they are struggling now in Japan, please hold on, because they are going to make it some day…
“Please tell Kim Junsu, Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, Jung Yunho and Shim Changmin that all their dreams are coming true…
Please tell them, there is nothing more precious than the moment when five of them being together
Tell them that you are from the future, explain the current situation to them, and then ask them whether they are still willing to choose that path…
And if they do… please tell them, we will always love them no matter what.
The only thing I regret the most is that I didn’t accompany them through out year 2004 & 2005..”
“Please tell Shim Changmin, to avoid crowded areas in the airport on 2nd of September.
Please tell Jung Yunho, never take the drinks from a stranger on 12.10.2006, and be careful not to sprain his leg
Please tell Kim Jaejoong to drive safely, and regardless of his name is Han Jaejoong or Kim Jaejoong, people who love him will always stand by him.
Please tell Park Yoochun that it’s alright to cry in MKMF, but please remember to hold his hands when you are telling him this. And, if he really likes someone, he can go after her.
Please tell Kim Junsu to take care of his health at the end of year 2006, and be careful not to injure his leg during rehearsal in 2009 because my heart aches seeing him on a wheelchair. Tell him that even when he is old and not popular anymore, there will always be a group of people who craves to listen to his songs, watch him cracking oyaji gag, and admiring his smiles.
Please tell Dong Bang Shin Ki, that they are going to be successful in Japan, they are going to make it to Budokan and Kohaku Uta Gassen Music Festival.
If any heartbreaking thing ever happens, just hold on to their dreams……”
If the day, just like the one in 2009, ever arrives, you don’t need to become matured over night, because you still have us.
You are the present to us from God, you won’t be alone.
If that day really comes, please tell them not to be afraid, and continue walking down the path that they have chosen.”
Please tell them that it’s alright to have mistakes in dance moves, and have voice cracked when belting the high notes….
The most important thing is their health.
“Please help me to tell Yunho never ever take that drinks in 2006… and don’t forget his meal
Tell Jaejoong not to over practicing his dance till end up with bone fracture
Tell Yoochun to treat his asthma as soon as possible
Tell Junsu not to force himself to sing if he is not feeling well
Tell Changmin that we are proud of him, and never say things like ‘it is better without me’ again
“Help me tell Dong Bang Shin Ki
not to push themselves too hard when practicing
because of their desire to present a perfect stage for us, cassiopeias
We only want to see all of them in the pink of health.
“And… the last but not least,
please remember to tell them that,
5 years from now,
there will be a group of people who are waiting for five of them to come home one day…
Credits: TVXQBaidu
Trans by: LoveInTheIce@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights

“I called him as Yunho hyung coz when we eat, if it’s hyung, hyung will pay. So, I decided to be dongseng.”

Park Yoochun,

One day, I found the corners of my lips rising when I saw your smile on television. There was something about you that instantly made me fall more deeper and deeper into you. With no doubt, you became my first ever bias.

Someone once asked me, “What do you like about Yoochun?” Well, it turned out not to be so easy for me to exactly pin point. I tried to list out all the things I loved about you, but I just couldn’t figure things out. Despite my deep admiration for you, I couldn’t express my thoughts about you properly, but other than your handsome looks, I realized that I truly admire the way you carry yourself with pure confidence. Having been your fan for more than 6 years, I’ve seen you fall, but you always managed to stand right back up and fight your way through all the hardships. I’m proud of you. I really am.

Thank you for being a part of my life and growing up with me. Always keep the faith as you have been reminding us to do so these past years. We’ll keep the faith eternally and we’ll all be in this together. From the humble place of being your fan, all I want to say to you is that I wish all the happiness in the world for you and everyone you love. I wish to see true smiles in your eyes more than anything. Thank you for being an inspiration, a part of my greatest strength. And lastly, thank you for being born.
Happy birthday, Park Yoochun.

From your eternal fan,
Taemin: Changmin sunbae (DBSK) told me, “You can brighten up the atmosphere on a TV program with a well-known gag” (laugh). So I’m going to check out variety shows!
— Source: SHINee Interview in Japanese Magazine ORISUTAOricon Style)

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