Thursday, June 30, 2011

dbsk quotes 7

“As for love. I think it gets all resolved with just one thing—understanding.
When you love, please don’t be concerned with time.
Because each minute, each second, each moment remains as an extremely beautiful memory.”
“They who are so precious to me…
The people who I am so thankful to are always at my side.
In front of my eyes, too, and inside of my heart, too…
Even in places that are so far that they cannot be seen with my eyes…
Those people who are so precious as to defy comparison to anything else…
They bring me love and happiness.
To me with a dream, hope… opportunities… When I am tired, love and courage…
Those smiles of the precious people that are relayed to me when I feel alone…
Those people who enable me to be living… to live on… and to live in the future.
I want to relay to all of these people… my… no, our team’s music and passion,
And that ‘I love them’– that one thing…
‘I love you…’ “
“More so than a big love for only a moment, I want to receive the love that is small but deep…^^”
“Like that I was able to reach out my hand to you,
And said that I love you… though it was soft… did you hear?”
“When I read the words of you fans whenever I have time,
I feel so happy that around my lips smiles keep forming *^^*
Because I feel that you give us much love~”
“While singing “Hug” in the end, my heart felt a bit melancholy… we worked so hard, but…
And you fans also really cheered for us more and more, and
I, too, sneakily had our eyes meet– with you all– one by one while singing…
The people who came… you remember, right? ^^”
“To all fans who come to our scheduled events to support us, I am so thankful and
In other ways, I feel so sorry, always.
Aren’t they cold, won’t they catch a cold, didn’t they perhaps get hurt… those feelings…
After we finish a performance, we cannot tell you these things one by one before we move, but
In our hearts we are always worrying for you… Please understand us and our hearts…^^
We also understand your hearts…^^”
“It may be that it feels sometimes very near and sometimes very far,
But through our hearts we are able to be eternal with each other.
Isn’t it a network that cannot be seen but can connect our hearts?”
“Don’t ever cry.
In open-sets, I’ve seen many of you fans who look at us and cry in the audience.
Whenever I do so, my heart aches.
We value the time that we spend with you as dearer and more precious.”
“You who allow us to love in the most intense way,
You who stir up our passion,
You—I really really love you.”
“To end, the fans—whom I will love forever…
Thank you so much for loving me, Kim Jaejoong, who is so bad at expressing himself…
Thank you… I love you..^^
The many other words… I will save them… <3”
“Let’s live together for ten years, twenty years, in trust.
That you’ll come to cheer for me even after twenty years with your pretty baby~! Promise~!!”
----all Jaejoong

Q: What are you good at?
JJ: Cooking
CM: I am responsible for eating everything Jaejoong cooks...
I dunno if that's a strength..

I understand that we are the knights of the dark
& that is why I will not regret,
because I once fought passionately for my dream. –Changmin
 [TRANS] eMove April 2008 Translated from a Chinese Magazine
Title: He’s a mystery?!

Jaejong: Changmin is… a mystery! (laughs) When he wakes up, in the day and before he goes to sleep, Changmin is three different people! When Changmin sleeps, he’s very scary… because he sleep-talks violently! (smiles) But he always can’t remember it!

Junsu: Sometimes he dreams of whatever good food he’s eaten the day before; his expression looks like he’s eating something delicious.

Changmin: I can’t remember whatever I talked or dreamed about. (laughs)

Junsu: Speaking of his personality, Changmin is the most “stubborn”~ No matter what other people tell him, once he has his own opinion, he completely does not listen to other’s opinions!

Yoochun: Changmin will support his own opinion entirely.

Yunho: Yes, he has a strong will, once he’s decided something, he will take care of it; at that time, he won’t listen to anyone. (smiles)

Changmin: Everyone understands my way of thinking, I’m very happy, I’ll also admit I’m very stubborn. (laughs)
I want to continue (TVXQ) with everybody forever.
- Choikang Changmin, History in Japan Vol.2 2007

“Only when the five of us are together, are we called TVXQ!” –Changmin
 “That is to say, he is a great person but with a petty heart.” - Yunho on Changmin
"I want to be like a nutrient to other people. I hope that my presence will help raise people’s spirits. I’m really grateful of all the support I’ve received from everybody, but I think it would be really terrible if that becomes all they ever do. I hope that those who support me will learn to cherish and enjoy the time that they have and will learn to support one another. I’ll work hard to become that kind of person."
— Shim Changmin, NON NO, November 2010 issue.
"What did I learn through the filming? Too much. I also came across things that required a lot of thought and pondering over. For example, I’ve always been doing activities in a group, so even though my condition isn’t that good, there will be people who cover for me. But during the filming this time, I honestly felt that I must carry all the burden myself so I won’t let down the staff members who have always given me so much support. Because of this, I have grown and matured."
Shim Changmin, SPUR Pink Interview, October 2010.
Emcee: What did you think when you saw him (Micky crying)?
CM: To say nicely...I thought he was really stimulating the motherhood. To say little cruelly....
Emcee: You want to say that he looked a little hypocritical. Is that what you're trying to say?
CM: No, I thought that was ugly.

Max Chang Min: "I won't say too much. Junsu is my RELIGION. What he says and how he acts are like my moral textbook and bible. Xiahnism HIP HIP HOORAY!!!"

"If I were to be invisible I'd go into the director's room & not edit any of our vids. Leave them the way they are." JJ

"If I were invisible I'd go to the amusement park~" YH
CM:"Both of urs are boring...I'd go do 'that'.JJ&YH: "What?" CM: "I'd go to the female hot springs~" JJ&YH: "How old are u...?"
JJ:"JS doesn't like to wear pants.YC doesn't like to wear shirts." JS: "But JJ doesn't like to put both~"

JS: "Besides eating you aren't interested in anything are you?" CM: "Well--" JS: " --I knew it.Your life is boring."

CM: "I don't think Jun-chan is polite at all." JS: "Please go away~"

(Fan letter) "Changmin seems so polite & well mannered." JS: "What a lie!!" YH: "I can't accept this." CM: *chuckles*

“I’m going to work hard. So please continue to watch over us.” CM

“I would like to thank all fans for your endless love and interests. Until now we are still ‘TVXQ’." Jaejoong

“Watch over us to see how ‘TVXQ’ will become in the future. We keep asking for your unchanging love.” YH

"Even if we're far apart, let's have hope and keep working hard." YC

"Yoochun makes great I want to go fishing w/ him. That way I can be closer to him as well." JS

YC:"I like to go fishing & at the same time eat ramen.So peaceful~" JS:"Take me w/ u!" YC: "no way."

"Changmin worships me!" JS

"Junsu's like an oasis in a desert for us." JJ

"If it's for the members, I would lend anything." JJ

"By looking at JS's face alone, I immediately start laughing." CM

JJ:"I can tell CM really,really likes me." CM: "That is so not true.But I must add JJ is always JJ to me."

CM: "I feel like I talk like JS sometimes." JJ: "2 Junsus?? no no that's bad.." YC: "Very bad." CM: "I'll be careful~"

CM: "How come u don't treasure YC & I?" JJ: "I do treasure u guys!" CM: "And then?There should be more though."

YC: "CM's face reminds me of JS nowadays" JJ: "what? that's bad!" CM: " parents must be weeping."

"He (Yoochun) considers other members as his everything." YH

"I believe! Have my faith, because till now, his mind has always been on our members." YH (about yoochun)

"Yoochun really loves all the members." YH

"All our time together, we have grown positively and we learned from a lot. And it's thanks to our leader." YC

"If our friendship could last forever, I don't need anything else." YC

"Red…makes me think of the members who will continue having a very close relationship even in the future." YC

"I'll try to be funny but if JS ever becomes charismatic & not funny anymore then that's a different story *laughs*" CM

"I believe being busy won’t be a problem for DBSK or so to say, we will work hard to overcome all problems." CM

"Although I love sleep,but because I love being a DBSK member & doing activities w/ the rest,I'm willing to sacrifice sleep." YC

JS "For me, it has to be Hitsumabushi." JJ "In summer?" JS "Hitsumabushi." JJ "In winter?" JS "...Hitsumabushi,yes."

"Our fans laugh with us when we laugh, and they also cry with us when we cry. It really feels like family." JJ

“I’ve come with a happy heart from the beginning, and hope there is a happy ending.” JJ

"We'll work towards that goal. We've debuted in Japan and be like this. it's because of everyone's support." YH

"It is our dream to be able to continue doing K-Pop music that only we can pull off." YH

We wanted to hear, “DBSK, they’re definitely something else / They’re different from other singers” JS

"DBSK and fans like Cassiopeia are glued together." YC

"If people are touched by our voices, that alone is great joy to us." CM

"In the beginning it was hard. Putting these 5 completely different voices to harmonize to one." YC

"All 5 of us work together to make one song,one choreography." CM

"When singing w/ 2 or 3 members it doesn't matter. Harmony is there." JJ

"The most important in harmony is balance.I'm personally in charge of bass so I must support the voices of the members." YH

"For me, TVXQ's biggest attraction & weapon is harmony." JS

"As long as there are people who like and enjoy my music, I will continue to sing regardless of the time and situation." JS

"There is a possibility to be successful if we strive hard..." YH

"We love sports like basketball, but we have an Olympic Sport as well..." YH "That Olympic sport is...Hide & Go Seek." TVXQ

"I always say this. Instead of being the best, we want to try our best. The words we want to hear are that we worked hard." YH

"Our goal: to be modest, to touch people...basically perfect *laughs* but we will keep trying our best." TVXQ

"Our group's quality is that we all have individually talented vocals." YC

"Each member were lead singers from different groups but later we were put together to make DBSK." YH

"As compared to the hardships, there are much more happy things." YH

"To be able to do this & anything to help me gain experience, I would do it all. This attitude has never changed." YH

“Just as fans have waited for a long time, we’ve waited for our fans for a long time.” YH

(Saipan) "We swam&played basketball in the water...we also played hide-and-seek,ate &chatted freely together." YH

"During Saipan, I remember the members were sitting at the sea side at the far end and were drinking beer w/o a care..." CM  "...I really miss that night’s last meal, every moment has left a deep impression."

"The members all love sports. I like exercising myself but I also like doing it as a group." CM

"I know there tend to be lots of rumors about DBSK...but don't believe any of it!" YH

"All of our fans are beautiful. I always look at them." JS

"This is embarrassing to say but...please listen to our songs wherever you go...oh & advertise as well while you're at it." CM

YH: "They (fans) seem to love Junsu a lot today." JS: "AH~ I feel good."

"The advantage is that I'm the youngest, so I never have to pay for anything. I'm lucky (laughs)." CM

"I love being a DBSK member, love being together and doing activities with the members" YC

"I'd still want to feel like a DBSK member, giving everyone a handsome dance performance on stage!" JJ

"Changmin teases me so's to the point that it feels strange when he doesn't." JS

Host: "Which one do you like better? Dog or cat?" JJ: "I prefer my members." Host: "What?" "I don't feel lonely without a dog or a cat... I prefer my members." JJ

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