Thursday, June 30, 2011

dbsk quotes 4

---The word ‘miracle’ appears in your song, so what does everyone think a ‘miracle’ is?
YH: The meeting and formation of THSK was a miracle itself. Everyone came from different places, I think being able to gather together is rather amazing
YC: I think, the fact that we were born was a miracle. We were born in Korea, but we’re now able to travel to so many areas to carry out activities. Everything’s just a miracle
JJ: I think that the fact that we were able to form THSK is a miracle too, as Yunho said. *laughs* The fact that we were able to debut in Japan was a miracle too.

----Ah, Changmin’s back. Question, what does Changmin think a miracle is?
CM: Becoming part of THSK. I never thought of becoming an artiste when I was in high school. I think it’s a miracle that I’m in this line of work

--- The album title [T] gives off a very cool feel; doesn’t the title have many meanings?
 JJ: That’s right. Firstly, it’s TVXQ’s T
JS: The T in Try
YH: The T in Team
CM: The T in Third
JJ: The T in Trick
YH: “Trick” is also a song in the album; it gives off a magical feel
YC: And T for Trouble
CM: That’s Junsu’s thing *laughs*
JS: That’s not true~~
YH: Although we think he’s ‘trouble’ when he’s making gags, *laughs* Junsu’s THSK’s mood maker
JS: *full of confidence* T for Tyrannosaurus
YH: *Ignore* T for Trend
YC: T for Terrible
*All 5 bursts out laughing*

----What does ‘Terrible’ mean?
YC: Scary, excessive

----Eh~~ So the album is terrible *laughs*
JJ: *Immediately* No, it’s not! It’s an album that really stands out!
YH: And T for top, it shows what we are heading towards

---- Lastly, let’s talk about THSK’s hopes for the year, not your own hopes but what you want the other members to accomplish, or what you want to say to them. Let’s start with Yunho
JJ: I hope he wouldn’t be injured this year and be healthy the entire year
YH: Yeah, I know

Q: A game you're recently into is?
CM: An online combat game. After work, the 5 of us will gather in the living room to play that game

----Can you explain what kind of group THSK started off as again?
THSK is a 5 member vocal and dance group. The 5 of us met by fate and formed THSK. -Jaejoong

Jaejoong describing his members:
Leader Yunho is very responsible and has a strong sense of integrity. Although Changmin is the youngest, he seems to have the oldest mental age. The rest of us are younger (in terms of mental age) *laughs* And Changmin is very diligent, Junsu is very talented, he can sing and dance very well, and he’s usually the moodmaker in the group. Yoochun’s hobby is composing songs and writing lyrics and works hard at it during his free time. He wouldn’t give up even when he is faced with something he cannot do. He really works very hard.]

------ What’s THSK’s Jaejoong’s goal?

[I think that being a singer means that you must convey the content of the song to everyone, now and in the future. I want to become a singer where I can effectively convey emotions and hopes to everyone!]

Your favorite THSK song is? And the reason is?
YH: [Hug]. Without this song, THSK wouldn’t be where we are today
CM: [Heart, Mind and Soul] from the first album. Although Japanese was still a strange language to us then, and furthermore, we sang it without grasping the full meaning of the song. However, when I listen to it now, I think the lyrics are really sad
JJ: [Summer Dream]. Because this song let many people know about THSK
YC: [Love in the Ice]. The first time I saw people cry because of the song, I really felt like crying soon afterwards
JS: [Rising Sun] Because I think that besides THSK, no one else in the world will be able to sing it. 

JJ: As THSK, I wish that we’ll be a group that many people will like. As Jaejoong, I want to become someone that will be loved by others. In future, please believe in us, love us and walk along with us.
JJ: I would like to take a nice relaxing walk with the THSK members. These days, the 5 of us can’t walk on the streets anymore. I would like to walk down the streets of a far away southern island with the members.

-----So, a question with a theme about the title. [Why does…..] Please ask a question.
CM: *Seems like he talking to himself* Why is Junsu so funny?
JS: No, totally not. Why do I’m I so addicted to Oyaji gags…..shouldn’t it be this?
JJ: I would like to ask myself that too *laughs*

-----But, that’s because of Junsu’s precious character.
JS: Haha~(This character point) has it’s good points but also has it’s bad points!
CM: *speaking softly again* Why did Junsu become the junior?
JS: *loudly* Why has Changmin changed!

-----Has Changmin changed?
JS: He has. Simply put, he has changed from an angel to a devil *laughs*
YC: And he has pierced his ears. That’s when he started being cool
CM: *humbly* That’s not true
YH: Haha~ I think I’ve changed too, it’s alright, right?

Jaejoong: There was a time he sang with the microphone upside down.
Junsu: When it was my part of the song, my voice didn’t come out at all.

“thank you for overcoming everything and protecting us and loving us, regardless of the feelings of uncertainty from waiting and amidst the unstable fear surrounding us. and i feel thankful once more that there is a sky that protects all the stars who love us. and i admire you all.”
— kim jaejoong, twitter
“even if my neck bleeds from singing and my body breaks from dancing, i cannot abandon the stage. if it’s a situation where i can’t completely enjoy, let’s scream until my neck explodes. let’s see how far our voices and our shouts will spread. let’s sing in that way.”
— kim jaejoong, twitter
“i understood the love that everyone in japan have for us, once again…and the friends we had from before to the staff who did work for us, looked happy doing their own thing for us. even the weather in japan…laughing and crying…has it been half a year? it’s a time i couldn’t ignore.”
kim jaejoong, twitter
“I know I’m late, but I hope many people of this world, including myself, are happier and laugh more this year. Then, goodnight. I hope our stars are happier than ever this year.”
kim jaejoong, twitter

You have no idea how moved JaeJoong Hyung was yesterday… JaeJoong Hyung’s look when he was crying so much yesterday… the look… haha;; will JaeJoong Hyung hate it if I were to say it..? Anyways, upon seeing him acting like that, me and YooCheon couldn’t help but cry too… That was tears of happiness… We owe everything to all of you. ^^
— Junsu, Twitter (on their Seoul Concert 11/28/2010)

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