Thursday, June 30, 2011

dbsk quotes 3

Fan: will oppas keep TVXQ even if they reach 60 years old? Will you?
Yunho: of course! Don’t worry about it!
Cre: Yunho-shii forum

050126 Jaejoong’s Diary re Celebrating his 20th Birthday in Japan:
………..”I love my members (Xiah, U-know, Micky, Max) you believe in me the most. Do you know how much I appreciate you guys?”
Cre: tvxqfever blogspot

Jaejoong Cyworld:
“Our friendship is stronger than all else because we’re breathing the same air, speaking the same thoughts, and living one dream.”
Cre: Yunho-shii forum
Q: Why don’t you let us hear about something that made you happy?
Yoochun: My becoming a member of Tohoshinki.
Q: What is something that has made you angry?
Yoochun: During the roughly three months when we first came to Japan, we really were lonely. That loneliness we felt at first turned into anger later, though there isn’t a reason why. And to be honest, the members’ relationships with each other became not very good. But on the contrary, it is true that when we overcame that period, the bonds between the five of us grew even deeper.
Cre: pinkulemon @ LJ

Q: Tohoshinki itself is pretty much like a family already, isn’t it?
Yunho: We aren’t members, we’re brothers. We fight a lot, too. But we make up really quickly.
Cre: pinkulemon @ LJ

“When the five of our voices come together, there is a special something there. That is something that I know.”
Cre: pinkulemon @ LJ

Q: I want to be reborn as this person?
JEJUNG: The fact is, I still want to be TVXQ’s member!
But I want to be in Changmin’s position. How does it feel to be the youngest member?
CHANGMIN: I also want to be TVXQ’s member again if I were reborn. Afterall, being the youngest is the best.
Cre: sharingyoochun blog

The members were looking back on their trainee days…
MC: I heard you guys worked really hard before debute?
YH: Yeah. We had to go on diets often to keep fit.
YC: We always go to bed without eating dinner…
JS: It was hard for us to sleep because we were so hungry…
JJ: Last time, when Changmin and I really couldn’t sleep, we went out to walk around…
CM: We were really hungry that day, and when we passed a really high class restaurant, the smell of food hit us. Then Hyung asked me: “Do you like that?” I nodded. Hyung looked at me and said: “Then let’s walk back…”
MC: … What happened next… ?
JJ (@.@): We wondered in front of that store until closing time…
Cre: CandyXx@soompi

MC: Wa, everyone’s grown so much in the past year! (Referring to their photobook)
YH: Yeah, everyone’s changing slowly, but Changmin changes very fast.
CM: I grew? (proud)
YH: Naw, as a person, not really. But you did grow height wise.
CM: (!)   
During a fan meeting…
MC: Yoochun sshi, I heard that the members share underwear, is it true?
YC: Yes it is!
JS: Can I answer for him? Actually, when we can’t find our own, we just grab a random one and wear it.
Cre: CandyXx@soompi

MC: I heard that Junsu sshi’s butt tend to stick out, does it cause problems for you?
JS: Problems? (thinks) … NO! (Answers with confidence)
JJ: But its caused problems for me! …(joins in) When I wear his underwear, it always feels too big!
Cre: CandyXx@soompi

JJ screamed: AISH! I CAN’T SLEEP!
After a while YC followed: I CAN’T SLEEP NEITHER!
JS: Yeah! I don’t know why but I just can’t sleep!
CM: I know…
Another hour passed… the members were all starting to fall asleep… then YH suddenly yelled: YAH GO TO SLEEP!
Cre: CandyXx@soompi

Fan: I’ll marry Yoohun oppa in two years, wait for me… ><
Changmin: Does Yoochun hyung know about this..- _-
Cre: iscreamshinki

"We are the destined five"
-Jung Yunho
(Fujin Kouron 2009)

"I hope that the friendship between the members will always remain."
-Park Yoochun

"Q:When was your last kiss?
“My last kiss with a girl was several years ago…with a guy, it was 2 days ago." –jaejoong

Junsu: Micky.
Yoochun: …Yeah.
Junsu: Uh… I’m really sorry to our fans, but… I’m gonna marry Micky.
Members talking at once: What? What are you saying?
Junsu: No, really. Really. Yesterday, I-
Yoochun: Xiah.
Junsu: Micky Micky (stutters) was sleeping, and-
Yoochun: Micky’s a girl?
Yoochun: Micky’s a girl?
Junsu: He was sleeping without a blanket. So I put a blanket over him, kissed him, and my lips-
Changmin: Ah. You shouldn’t have told us this.
Jaejoong: This real story might seem fake, but-
Changmin: It’s real.
Jaejoong: Three days ago… I kissed someone.
Changmin: It’s true.
Junsu, Yoochun: Yes, it’s true. This is true.
(Talking all at once.)
Jaejoong: Also!
Yunho: I stole his lips.
Jaejoong: Huh? I kissed someone in the car.
Yunho: Me? I’m a paparazzi.
Jaejoong: Anyways! I kissed one of our members. Member.
Changmin: That’s right.
Jaejoong: Who hasn’t even had his first official kiss.
Changmin: That’s right.
Jaejoong: I kissed him.
Jaejoong: And that person is!
Changmin: That’s right.
Jaejoong: Our maknae.
Changmin: That’s right.
Jaejoong: With Choikang Changmin.
Junsu: Our maknae got his first kiss stolen by Hero hyung.
Jaejoong: Alright.
Yunho: Me!
Changmin: I love you, hyung.
Junsu: Micky kept making fun of me awhile ago.
Yoochun: Truthfully, I like Xiah!
The devil says isn’t it good with the two of us~ the angel says wrong! Tohoshinki are five people! –jaejoong history in japan (T promotion with Yunho)
“i understood the love that everyone in japan have for us, once again…and the friends we had from before to the staff who did work for us, looked happy doing their own thing for us. even the weather in japan…laughing and crying…has it been half a year? it’s a time i couldn’t ignore.”
— kim jaejoong, twitter

1 comment:

  1. "Q:When was your last kiss?
    “My last kiss with a girl was several years ago…with a guy, it was 2 days ago." –jaejoong

    Where is this from?
