Friday, July 22, 2011

To Yunho

Dear leader Yunho,
You are so strong.  So strong for everyone.  It must be hard on you to be like that all the time.  Strong for your members and for Cassiopeia. 
I've never seen you cry for real.  I see that you can easily make yourself cry(when it is needed in acting) and those people usually at least fake tears but you... you seem to pride yourself in being strong, i admire you so much for that. 
Throughout all those hard times in your life, from your throat surgery, to running away to Seoul, to your knee and countless other hardships you have endured.  You are so strong.  When i see you giving a speech during award ceremonies and when i see your arms wrap around your group members, able to wrap around them all, my heart is filled. 
I remember you talking about you changing after debut, and how you don't think of it as changing but becoming a better person, i admire you so much.  I see you try so hard to be this person that is strong.  You seriously HAVE become this person. 
When all the other members cry you wait until your alone to let your own tears out.  You always stand so tall, so strong...
but Yunho you don't have to be strong all the time.  It's okay to cry.  It's okay to be angry or tired.  We, Cassiopeia, know you are human too. 
When i saw your head being forcibly pushed down to bow or even when i saw the pictures of Changmin scratching you, and even when i saw the pictures of you scratching yourself i realized you don't even care for yourself but always with a smile, even if your hurt, you greet us happily...
please take care of yourself, i know this is the hardest thing for you but LOOK at yourself for once and take care of yourself... for us...
Yunho who is the type of leader that dislikes even yelling at his members, Yunho who is the type of person that calls his friends every night, Yunho who is the type who watches out for everyone but then forgets to eat his meals himself,
i really love you Yunho. 
Cassiopeia loves you so much.  When you said "We will keep working hard so don't hate us" do you know how much that hurt?  When did "We will still keep working hard so please love us" or "please watch over us" become "don't hate us"?
Please remember that we are always by your side, cheering for you.  That a red ocean will ALWAYS be there no matter what, so... its okay. 
Cassiopeia will always ALWAYS love you.  I will always love you too, so don't feel the need to exhaust yourself over such worries like if people hate you because there are SO MANY people that love you. 

An American Cassiopeia

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