Friday, July 22, 2011

To Jaejoong

Dear Jaejoong,
You are my bias.  i don't even know why but there is something that attracts me to you. 
I tried to rationalize it but you know if i rationalize it in a million ways every single other member gets first place but you?  How strange.  But be clear you are my bias. 
Jaejoong, it seems you are most peoples bias, knowing that, i usually change my bias but with you... it always comes back to you and i've given up trying to change it. 
There is just something about you. 
I listed all the good and bad qualities and to me there are a lot of bad qualities that you have that the other members don't, yet here i am saying 'i love YOU' as my bias. 
Anyways, Jaejoong, i don't know why but my letter is seeming quiet mean even though i like you the most...
Let's start with the good things. 
Jaejoong umma, you really are like the umma, you do take care of everyone in that manner and dote on all of them lovingly.  Thank you for taking care of them. 
Jaejoong, you always care about Cassiopeia.  All the members do but you, you seem to know exactly what Cassiopeia's doing almost all the time, whether it's charity stuff, or even to the extent of knowing the famous fanfictions you know. 
It fills my heart that you pay THAT much attention to us.  That you care THAT much.  Thank you. 
You have always had it hard... i wont repeatedly say all those horrible things that happen to you but i really want to say thank you for getting through it all. 
You are so much more mature now, i can feel it in every new interview.  Your answers, you thought them through by yourself, you also reflect upon them and really every word you say it's so important. 
You have also become more open with us (Cassiopeia). 
When you guys first debuted till now... you are opposite Yoochun in the aspect of crying.  He found the strength not to cry and you found the strength to cry.  But it's okay.  We want you to let it all out and not have to hide. 
You have been doing really well but don't think us fans haven't noticed.  You haven't been sleeping enough, we see the fatigue in your eyes.  You haven't been eating enough, we see how skinny you have become.  We know you've been drinking more and even smoking occasionally.... please take care of yourself.
If not for yourself, for those who love you and cannot imagine their lives without you, please take care of yourself. 
Jaejoong, our lead singer Jaejoong, even though you got into SM with a beauty contest you were put into DBSK because of your singing ability.  Truly a singer. 
Jaejoong who has so many good and so many bad qualities, i wouldn't want a Jaejoong that is any different than this. 
It's the good and the bad it's probably just everything about you that makes you my bias.  But please, please, please watch over yourself.  I know you can do it.  Cassiopeia loves you forever no matter what happens.

An American Cassiopeia

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