Monday, July 18, 2011


ok 1st off wasurenaide thank god Roy gave apologized and everything before Cassiopeia spun out of control!  i feel bad for him now because hes just a guy that was used by SME and AVEX (cause i believe Lee Soo Man is behind everything meaning its not rly the companies but the evil man with the money that overpowers them so when i say SME and or AVEX i mean Lee Soo Man) but i rly do feel bad for him and im happy that he wrote suuuch a good apology and am satisfied with it because he didnt know.  He was used to hurt Jaejoong, JYJ and the DBSK family and once he realized this he emmediatly backed off and apologized so theres really not anything else he can do.

other than that i feel bad as a fan of DB5K.  Changmin got his hand hurt a week ago and i didnt know! and me being me and following DBSK basically everyday online i feel so stupid!  Am i really ignoring Homin to this extent?!  i know i follow JYJ more but... i know Minnies alright so its okay but still...

but rly i havent been feeling up to following homin i feel bad as a fan rly but still Yunhos iceskating... i know hes busy and all but he shouldnt iceskate at all if he doesnt do it well enough to not fall or wobble... and i know hes trying and some parts look super cool like when he did the moon walk and when he b-boyed but... he already got a leg injury and an arm injury and u can tell iceskating is hard for him and is taking a toll on his stamina... i just dont wanna c a Yunho thats hardly prepared scootching around the ice while his partner is soaring... i feel so bad cause u know Yunho he has some kind of pride that makes him work super hard on everything... i just pray that he'll be alright everyday!

and Changmin... i feel now that Changmin took this split as a time for him to truly grow up as an individual.  He's always had someone there for him and covering for him, before dbsk his family sheltered him (aka his mom) and then he was put into dbsk as the youngest and se he was taken care of by everyone and treated so well (yes he was treated very well by our other dbsk boys even though he wont admit it)... but rly his drama paradise ranch was the 1st thing he did actually alone and he worked very hard on it, and now that Yunhos so busy with Kiss and Cry he's taking initiative and making closer bonds with his own friends (like minho and kyuhyun) and hes learning how to take care of himself and decide for himself and i feel a bit lonely when i think of him... idk y its just a feeling like hes the youngest child and im the mother that cant let go of the last baby... (lol i know its weird) But when DBSK get back together (yes WHEN they get back together) he will have become someone i know im gonna be even MORE proud of.  His aura now a days is different, Homins auras a bit different... but i reall hope i can embrace this difference.

anyways the stupid Jeju thing is still going on and i read some people were angry at Jeju and said they would never go back to Jeju and stuff cause of the stuff with JYJ.... please dont say those things 'cause JYJ, especially Jaejoong, wants Jeju to be one of the 7 wonders and he wants to promote Jeju and have alot of people visit there...

i think the thing we need to do (and this is just a thought no animosity toward SNSD and f(x)) is show up for the Jeju thing and the 2 girl groups concert and make the whole crowd a red ocean and chant JYJ.  I know its a bit mean 2 those girls but rly now, this is taking a stand for JYJ and their rights! saying even if SME does this we are gonna tackle them in anyway we can!

neways thats just a thought and i havent voiced it anywhere but here but if you wanna spread the idea be my guest!

but neways thats my thoughts for right now

all my dbsk boys are perfect(not perfect perfect but you know what i mean) and deserve the world, i truly truly believe they are heaven sent, and fated to meet, and all that other mushy stuff!!
THEY themselves believe this to be true, and with that just makes ME believe in them even more.

for now goodbye...

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